
Selasa, 31 Maret 2015




WORKS Shaykh Muhammad Al Ghazi Qosim

(Lectures MATAN Taqrib)


Praise and adulation just right and belongs to Allah, who said: "The word of your Lord (the Qur'an), as a true and fair sentence. No one can change - phrases Him and He Who heareth and knoweth all things. " (QS. Al-An'am: 115). True in all the news and just in all the commands and prohibitions.
May peace and blessings of Ar Rohman lover; Muhammad bin Abdillah who has said: "Whoever desired by Allah SWT's good, then He is the Exalted will memfaqihkan him on religion".
We present a paper to be presented to the reader is in the books of fiqh Madzhab rohimahulloh wrote Imam Shafi'i, which the FATHUL Qorib FI AL MUJIB Yarhi ALFADZI AT Taqrib. We will show gradually, little by little, until finally I hope I can give the full picture yet Madzhab general jurisprudence. Amen.
The method that I do is very simple, namely:

Translate the book, with a mark [...] the original Matan the book At Taqriib and let no sign of [...] for Syarh translation / explanation.
Notes on some sentences that Allah taqdirkan easy for me. Note this is sometimes in the form of
a. Mention understanding and concise explanations.
b. Mention the proposition that a witness to the problem or the opinion.
c. Determination strong opinion on an issue, this is done when the opinion of schools is
weak outlook opinion on the arguments and reasons.
Thus this introduction I hope this work into good deeds for the writer, lecturer, translator and all readers. Amen.
May peace and blessings of Apostle, family, friends and all the people who took his sunnah. Aamiin.

The name of God the Merciful
Shaykh Al Imam Al 'Alim Al' Alamah Shamsuddin Abu Abdillah Muhammad Shafi bin Qosim As -Semoga Allah bestow mercy and keridlhoannya sahilin said:
Entire praise Allah just right, start with hamdalah because hope blessing, because it is the beginning of every important affair, cover every praise that diijabah, and the final expression of the believers in heaven, village reward. I praise Him who has given taufiq to all that He wills from among the servants, to tafaquh in accordance with the religion that pleases. I bersholawat and ask for the safety of the noblest creature, the prince of the messenger Muhammad, who said:
From God to do good Rulings in religion
"Whoever Allah Ta'ala wills He will be good so explaining it in religion." (Hadith Bukhari [71], Muslim [1037]), as well as peace and blessings to all followers and friends, as long as there are people who dhikr and the people who are negligent.
Then, this book is very concise and coherent, the book I called the At Taqrib, with hopes of beginners can take benefits which the shari'ah branches and religious issues, and become a medium for happiness on the Day of Judgment, and bermanfa'at for the servant of the people of Islam. Indeed, He is most Hearing requests servant, Supreme Close, Most grant, people who do not intend it to be in vain "If you ask my servant, then surely I am very near". (QS. Al Baqoroh: 186).
Know !, in most text books on muqoddimahnya sometimes penamaanya with AT Taqrib and sometimes also with GHOYATUL IKHTISHOR, therefore I was manamainya with two names, first Fath Qorib FI AL MUJIB SYARHI ALFADZI AT Taqrib, both MUKHTAR FI AL AL ​​qaul SYARHI GHOYATIL IKHTISHOR.
As Shaykh Al Imam Abu Dion, and also known by the name of Abi Shuja 'Syihabul millah ward dien Ahmad bin Al-Hussain bin Ahmad Al Ashfahaniy -semoga reproduce the outpouring of God's mercy and keridlhoan him, and put him in the highest heaven say:
[Bismillahirrohmaanirrohim] I begin this article Allah is the name for the Essence of the Mandatory Existence 'wajibul form of' Ar Ar Rohman more expressed than Rohim.
[Al Hamdu] is praise to God with beauty / goodness accompanied aggrandizement. [Robbi] is the Most Mastering. [Al 'Aalam] with difatahkan, it sebagimana opinion of Ibn Malik: noun plural specially used for understanding, not entirely. Singular 'baada with difathahkan letter lam, it was the name of other than Allah SWT and plural specifically for that reason.
[And the ridge Allah] and prayers [on pengulu us, the Prophet Muhammad] it with a glottal stop and not with a glottal stop is the man who provided him with the revelation that he was practicing law even if not commanded him to say, so if he is ordered to submit the Prophet and Prophet. Pour it means peace and blessings upon him. Muhammad is the name taken from the mass maf'ul al mudlho'af al 'ain. And he is a representative of his or her 'athof bayan. [And] to [Sacred Family], they are as disclosed As Shafi: The family of believers from Bani Hashim and Bani Al Mutholib, An Nawawi said and select it: They are all Muslims. Hopefully his story is taken from the word ath Gernade Ta'ala: "and to purify you with a thorough cleansing" (QS. Al Ahzab: 33). [And] for [his friends], it is the plural of shohibun prophet. And his word [entirely] is takid 'confirmation' of shohabat.
Then the author states that he wrote this summary as a request, in his words: [partially 'al asdhiqo' sahabtku friends asked me], it plural of shodiiq. And his words: [may Allah Almighty keep them], it is a sentence of Du'a. [That I may make a summary], it is something a little lafadznya and much meaning [in the jurisprudence], it is meaningful understanding of language, while in the term is the knowledge of the laws Syar'iyah 'amaliyah cultivated from the detailed arguments dailnya . [Madzhab Al Imam] noble, mujtahid, helper sunnah and religion, Abu Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Idris ibn Al-Abbas ibn Uthman bin Shafi. [Ash-Shafi'i] was born in Gaza in 150 H and d [hopefully shed her grace and keridlhoanNya] Friday, the end of the month of Rajab in 204 H.
Mensifati authors summarized by the vagaries of nature, such as [at the top end of the summary and summary] and the words al ghoyah and Nihayah have close meaning, so too al ikhtisor and al Ijaz, between nature anyway [closer understanding of the students] to the branch of jurisprudence [for study it and make it easier for beginners to memorize] the menghadirkannya of memorization for those who wish to memorize summary fiq science. [And] some friends ask anyway so I [multiply therein] which in summary is [divisions] Preservation and Fiqhiyyah [and] of [limiting] the carefully [to determine] are mandatory, and other mandzub both. [And I'm willing to grant the] request for [expecting reward] of Allah SWT to write a summary of this effort. [Hope only to Allah the Exalted high] in keutamaanNya- -of help to complete this summary, and [also hope only to Allah, to mendafatkan permission to the truth], it is the opposite of one. [Lo] Ta'ala [over everything that pleases wanted [the Most Affordable] the Supreme Grin [to his servants and He is the Subtle, the Knower] condition of his servants. The first is taken from the word Ta'ala "God is gracious to his servants" (QS. Ash Shura: 19), both taken from the word Ta'ala "And He is All-Knowing, All-Wise in progress" (QS. Al An'am: 18), and al Latif al Khobir are two names among the names of Allah SWT. The first meaning 'al Latif' who knows everything in detail and problem-the problem, it sometimes dimutlakan also on soft Maha meaning to them, then Allah is Aware of his servants and places the needs / requirements / desire to tender their All- them. Meaning that both have close meaning to the first, said: khobartu asysyaia akhbarohu fa be bihi khobiirun, the know.

[1] Shaikh is masdar of syaa-kho, said syaa-ko - yasyii-ku - syaikhon, it is the language of people who have passed the age of forty years. Man while in his mother's womb is called a fetus, because it is hidden and hindered, after being born is called athiflu, dzuriyyah, and shobiy. After puberty called Nayaab and Ragamukti. After thirty years of age called BAHUL. After forty years if male is called a sheikh, and when she called syaikhoh. As the term is a person who has attained the position oranr who has priority, though still a child. (See Hasyiyah Baajuuriy Qosim, Daaru Ihya al Pole al 'Arobiyyah, p. 3).
[2] In language al muttaba '(followed), while in terms of legitimate person to serve as an example. (Ibid).
[3] Meaning that has a lot of knowledge. (Ibid).
[4] He died in the year 918 H.
[5] Qodiy Abu Suja was born in the year 434 AH (1041 AD), and died in 592 AH (1197 AD) may Allah bless and exalt rank, Amen
[6] Author rohimahulloh wrote his treatise begin with bismillah because:
Following the book of Allah, it is the first verse of Surat al-Fatiha, part of an Naml letter and a paragraph mustaqillah of other letters; namely as a separator between letters, except between letters and letter of al-Anfal Al Baroah.
Following the Sunnah of the Messenger Alai 'alaihi wa sallam, sebagimana al Bukhari's Sahih hadith of Abu Sufyan about the king's letter Alai' alaihi wa sallam to pemdesar Romwai country, as well as hadith Miswar about Hudaibia agreement.
Following the custom of the priest in writing books and articles, as disclosed by Ibn Hajar in Fath Al Asqolaniy Bari Sharh Sahih Al Bukhari [6].
As for the hadith which states: "Every important matters that are not preceded by Bismillahirrohmanirrohim then disconnected" and that convey the same or such with the hadith Dlhoif / weak. Among the Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar menghukuminya As Shafi, As Syakhowiy and others.
Reading law Bismillah.
It is divided in five laws:
Sunnah in all matters that have significant value, we are not leaning on the above hadith, but as a follow-on actions form habits of the Prophet and the scholars; inheritors of the prophets. And the first to write a complete sentence at the beginning Bismillahirrohmanirrohim treatise / letter of Solomon 'peace be upon him.
Will do something illegal when the illicit substance, such as when going to drink khomr / intoxicants, adultery and so forth. Riddah even feared because no form of harassment on NGABAR sentence itself.
IT IS IT IS when'll do that in Essence, such as when they smoke to argue prohibited. Or when he would see his wife according to the pubic schools; but this opinion is weak, will explain to the Book of Nikah God willing.
Mandatory while praying, because he part of the letter of al-Fatihah.
Permissible when going to work on something that does not have significant value, such as when it will move goods and others.
Thus among the explanation given by the majority of the scholars, may Allah have mercy upon the deceased, and keep that still live in the mortal realm.
[7] Lafadz الله is a'rofu lma'arif 'alal ithlaq, the most known name in all places and times; so when mentioned the name الله understand the mind-matter of who He is; He is Allah, the Rabb of the Nature; Creator, manager of the Universe, Giver Rizki; And He Who berhaq in worship. It was also said lafadz الله is Ismun 'a-dzom, because it is the name most mentioned in the Qur'an, or for any name that comes after that is her nature.
[8] As is well known by seekers of knowledge, when we believe in God then we assign their God, then know that Allah SWT wajibul the form li dzatihi, which is not preceded by the absence and not I. He ended with the absence of Y is wajibul lidzatihi form [this chapter khobar], in contrast to the creature, the creature because it is not compulsory and not something that is forbidden; Because, suppose that the creature is something that must then be preceded by the absence, the absence of which predate the existence of creatures is an indication that it is not a must, but is something that is allowed but not required (can), (and) nor forbidden ; Because God has created and hold it. Then something mumtani '(forbidden) did not become \ created, then this indicates that the creature is wujudun jaizun (there is something that is possible), preceded absence, the absence will be spotted and weaknesses, will participate.
[9] Imam Ibn Qoyyim rohimahulloh wrote the opinion that [الرحمن] shows the natures of the U. The Essence [الرحيم] is shown in association with the congregation; It is therefore not found in the Qur'an name Ar-Rohman in kedaan muta'adi; U Allah said: ((وكان الله بالمؤمنين رحيما)) [Al Ahzab: 43]. And who said "رحمانا". What a good opinion in matters of alleged differences between the two.
[10] (ال) "Alif and lam" in the word is lil-istighroq الحمد. In addition there is also the opinion that the ال liljinsi, meaning: That all (kinds of) the perfect compliment is for Allah; If so, then it contains a permanent consequences praised everything from the perfect properties for Allah Most Beautiful nan U.
Where is Allah be praised. Imam As Syanqhity rohimahulloh wrote when interpreting the letter of Al Fatihah said: "In Hamd (praise) are not mentioned dzorof days or even dzorof eat. It has been mentioned in the letter of Ar-Rum that dzhorof eat it is heaven and earth: "His is the praise in the heavens and on earth"; It is also stated in the letter Al Qhosos that is dzhorof dzhorof his time, namely in the world and in the Hereafter, U He said: "And He is Allah: there is no god except He Haq, His is the praise in the world and in the hereafter .
Variety praise collected within five vertices:
Jalla Allah wa 'ala commendable in independence in rububiyah that no partner for him; and commendable desire in traces rububiyah on all of its creatures.
Jalla Allah wa 'ala commendable in uluhiyyahNya (rights of divinity) of all creatures; And Allah's is the only one who deserves to be worshiped, without allies in it.
Jalla Allah wa 'ala commendable because of His names are beautiful and His attributes are high.
Jalla Allah wa 'ala praised for Shari'ah, the commands and prohibitions.
Jalla Allah wa 'ala commendable in provisions and His decree and all the things that went in kauniyah sunnah (-Penan natural law).
Difference Between Hamdu with Madhu. Al Hamdu preach the good that was praised by about love and glorification. While Al Madhu simply preach without coupled with love and adoration.
Difference Between hamad (praise) and tsana (flattery). Most of the scholars do not distinguish between hamd with tsana. Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaymeen rohimahulloh wrote saying: "Al-hamdu is mensifati complimented with perfection coupled with love and glorification, if the nature of perfection that is repeated then be tsana (flattery).
[11] (عالم) 'aalam', he is isim kind, he could be Mustaq of 'Ash Grove or from the word' science. Both are acceptable meaning, sebagimana expressed by al Baghowi rohimahulloh wrote in the book of commentary. If taken from the first it was said: 'Nature is the' Spring Lodge (sign) the existence of Allah. If taken from the second ('science) then said: Given the nature of man be unaware of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, or: «Allah did not create a' nature but based on perfect knowledge». The second meaning is valid / correct.
[12] When the hamzah the purposes (النبيء) then it is taken from (النبأ) an-naba which means al khobar 'news; Because the prophet informed and preach, notified of the creatures of Allah and informs. If no intention Hamzah (النبي), he was taken from (النبوة) meaningful (الإرتفاع) al irtifa ', as the prophet of a high status. So both these meanings can be used. Allohu 'nature.
[13] That is a confirmation of the word Muhammad.
[14] Anyone who has ever assembled by the prophet Alai 'alaihi wa sallam in faith and die in such circumstances, although never punctuated with riddah.
[15] The word writer rohimahulloh wrote: He (Allah SWT) wills over any Supreme Being able. It would be nice if the author says: "Verily, Allah is All-Able to do all things» for several reasons:
The words: «Surely Allah is Most Able to do all things» is a sentence which Allah mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, eg see letter ath Tholaq: ​​21.
Words like these are the words of the famous and popularized by the deviant group. While our obligation menyelisihi their deviations.
Words such as these contain false consequences, which stipulates that only God can do as He pleases, while that which is not God, then He will not be able to do it. Whereas in the verses of the Qur'an Allah Almighty Lord to associate a desired and the undesired occurrence, please see the Al An'am verse 65). Details of this issue please refer to the explanation of the Salaf in the books of Aqeedah.

Book ahkami thoharoh
1 Book by language means collecting
Meanwhile, according to the terms is a collection of some of the legal
2 Thoharoh derived from the word meaning purification anadhofatu
Meanwhile, according to a term means a lawful act which makes her prayers as wudzu, shower, tayamum, and eliminate najis.sedangkan tuharo to read dzumah to'nya meaningful tool for purification.
# Air
Water legitimate use for toharoh No 7:
Sky water (water that turan from the sky / rain)
Sea water (salt water)
River water (freshwater)
Spring water (water that comes out of the earth)
Water snow / ice water
Well water
Seventh water in said water that falls from the sky and out of the earth from the origin of the creation of some of the properties of the water.
Then the water is divided into 4 sections:
Holy water is water that has not purify isti'mal (not used pure as required) or water mutlaq
Holy water to purify but makruh used in the body is not in the clothes that menggumakan heated water container is not made of gold or silver. But when it is cold then there goes kemakruhanya properties, according to Imam Nawawi also dimakruhkan use water very hot or very cold because the make imperfect purification.
Holy water to purify the water but not musta'mal .air which has been used to remove impurities or to bersuci.walaupun not change the size of the water that smelled of rose water .Seprti.
Air polluted water that has been exposed to water polluted with feces there are two parts:
 Wlapun exposed to unclean water does not change the water less than two school.
 Water is more than two school but changed either a lot or a little.
Two schools according Baghdat size of 500 kathi, whereas according to Imam Nawawi is 180 dirhams.
according to the author of the book there is a holy water but are forbidden to use or drink water in ghosob.
An exposed to unclean and a sacred with in sama'dan a saint who could not
Animal skins can be sacred invitation in the same way 'same animals that eat its meat or not.
The procedure for using a tanning items can eliminate the blood or the like, by using a so Sepet, such as wood used trenggali although it is unclean as the articles are pigeon droppings can already be used to behave '.
The tanning procedure that is:
Remove residual meat and rotten smell while the rotten smell manghilangkan way to eliminate blood or flesh stuck to the skin.
Wear something abusive or astringent taste.
Leather dog and pig skin can not holy, despite being in the same '
Siwak is part of his sunna wudzu while the tool is in use antuk Siwak is wood iro '.
Siwak is an Islamic law every time, but makruh for a fasting person either fardzu or sunna ie after the sun perpendicular Hangga shifted slightly to the west. The Makruh nature is gone after sunset.
Siwak in the way it is in four areas:
When the smell of the mouth, due to silent for a long time (sleep), leaving the old eating (fasting) and Meakan something smells bad like, onion, red onion, banana and others.
When I wake up
When will the prayer
When going to read al quran
Disunahkan in holding students' it with the right hand and in starting from the right side.
Fardzunya wudzu
 Fardzunya wudzu No 6:
Intention by Personality 'means menyengaja do something (intention) and accompanied do something. The intention in wudzu do when washing face most awal.niat done because to eliminate unclean or to berwudzu or to purify from hadas
Washing face, limits ranging from head of hair growth until down..and jaw bone of the right ear nipple to nipple telanga left.
Washing your hands until both elbows, when people do not have elbows that person conjecture in the handwashing, one must also get rid of something that manghalangi water seep into the skin.
Rubbed portion of the head.
Washing the feet up to the ankles, even though the person who berwudzu wear socks (muzah), then a wash and wipe toes.
Tartib, when people forget or do not tartib berwudzu then wudzunya invalid.
Her Sunni wudzu
Her Sunni wudzu there are 10 things:
Read basmalah, when a forgotten and remembered reading basmalah amidst wudzu and read basmalah in the middle wudzu mak a still gets sunahnya wudzu, tetepi when remembering when wudzu been completed and read basmalah then basmalah not count.
Wash their hands up to the wrists subelam rinsed three times.
Rinsing after washing the hands.
Sucking air into the nose and then remove it.
Wiping the whole head, when people who wear a turban, the mandatory off.
Wiping the inside and outside of the ear by using water as for the way that the fingers at the input to the ear and rotate the finger, until the folds of the ear.
Wash the sidelines whisker.
Wash between the fingers.
Wash the sidelines toes., Initiated the procedure while putting little finger of the left hand under the left foot and behind her.
Putting the right side member.
Mushanef add a Sunni-sunahnya wudzu namely:
Washed 3 times wudzu members
Continually, when members of one already in the washing then proceed further washings member is not to dry
Istinjaa 'and enter the settings wc
A Definition
Istinjak is to rid yourself of all the dirt out of the qubul and anal human urine and feces by using water or rocks.
- In priority when CLEANSE using new stone and water three times a splash.
- And who is allowed to condense CLEANSE water or some stone or disunahkan menigakalikan when CLEANSE.
- People who CLEANSE it more important to use water from the use of stone for eliminating bias impure water (color, taste an baud) to be sacred.

* Terms CLEANSE using stone
v Goods or unclean dried out yet
v Not moved from its place
v There is a new
"Prohibit prohibition of waste Wish"
Can not face direction and turn mecca when waste in open spaces hajad
And are allowed when defecating in places that have been provided (wc)
Sunna when refrain from shitting in a quiet or calm water
And Dimakruhkan shitting in place or a little water
The expensive duang celebrations under fruiting trees
Banned shitting in the street who often skipped human
Banned shitting in human resting place
The expensive shitting in holes facing the sun and the earth (leng)
No talking when defecating except dzorurot like seeing the snake and the snake is approaching.
Imam Nawawi (book roudzoh)
Dimakruhkan when defecating facing the sun and the moon
In the book of Ibn Taymiyyah's not in IT IS
The book tahqiq Dimakruhkan
Things wudzudi damage caused by impurity
        Annuls wudzu are five:
The exit of something from one of the two (dubur dan qubul) of people who berwudzu and life, which is usually as small or large bowel, or something rare like darah'batu it also unclean or exit the sacred items such as maggots, except semen which caused the pliers out mimpidalam sitting down
Lost his mind due to motion sickness, mental illness, epilepsy
Sleep is not set seat
Leather meets men and women who are not mahram, even though it was already mati.Yang question is the convergence of male skin and perumpuan already Baligh .Muhrim is an unclean in marriage because nasab single, Suson single or in-laws. (Without using a barrier)
Adam child touching pussy using palms, from yourself or another person, male or female, large or small, living or dead. And touching the anus kolongan also cancel wudzu.
Things to oblige bathroom
        There is a problem that requires 6:
Convergence of male genitalia with women, although not eject semen
Secrete semen although little or a lot, with jima 'or not jima', in a state of sleep or unconscious, with lust or not, from the road in adatkan or not.
Off unless martyrdom (death of people in upholding the religion of Islam)
Menstruation in women, menstruation is blood coming out of her vagina, which is aged nine years
Childbirth, blood loss after giving birth
Give birth

Fardzunya bath
        Fardzunya bath was there 2:
Intention, then the intention was to menghilngkan impurity junub junub and menstruation and childbirth the intention was to get rid of menstrual impurity or nifas.niat done during the first wash or spray times.If people who do intention bathroom after her shower then flush the body should The .Sebelum we bathe your birthday, we recommended removing impurities that exist in our bodies (according to the chief Rofi'i), while according to the chief nawawi it does not eliminate any stool
Flush the entire limb (from top of hair to the top of the toes) and if the person wearing it is required to remove the coil of the coil .and obliged to wash the case or the part that looks like the ear, nose pug, sidelines iqud body (sex men who have not been circumcised) farjinya women look when squatting.
Sunni bathroom
          Showers were in sunahkan there are 14:
Friday bath (bath which is done because it will perform Friday prayer) while the time to do the bath is from dawn Sodiq to be prayed Friday
Bath Eid and Eid al-Adha, the time from midnight Eid or Eid al-Adha to be praying feast
Bath during a solar eclipse and lunar eclipse
Bath bathe the corpse because we are Muslims or infidels
Bathing people who are new to Islam
Shower for those who will be ihram ihram .and when no water is then as penggantanya tayamum, the law allowed
Shower when going into the city in Makkah for pilgrimage, the Hajj or Umrah.
Bathroom when staying at `Arafat will on 9 Dzulhijah
Bath because staying in Muzdalifah
Shower when going threw jumroh on tasrik (11,12,13 Dzulhijah)
Will throw a shower when jumrah aqobah celebrate today (yaumul nahr)
Bathroom when will wuquf
Bathing will towaf (ifadzah, Farwell, Arrival)
Bathing sunrise
        According tayamum language means menyengaja, while according to the term means wiping the face and two hands to use the sacred dust and with the conditions specified, instead wudzu or shower.
Star-syarat tayamum:
The existence udzur which caused traveling or sick
In doing tayamum must have time to pray so if tayamum done before entering the prayer time, the prayers invalid
The existence udzur use water, because worry if using water on the go or hawatir if any wild animals, enemies or against his property from thieves
Must use pure dust and purify except wet dust, dust obtained from ghosob, grave dust, dust mixed with sacred items such as dust mixed with flour, sand, kapurpecahan precarious, gravel and also may not use dust already musta 'mall
Fardzunya tayamum No 4:
Intentions, done when wiping the face and pronounced in the liver
Wiping the face
Rubbing both hands to elbows
Tartib (sequence-sequence) if not orderly then tayamumnya invalid.

Sunni tayamum:
Read Basmallah
Putting members of the right and left mengahirkan members
Putting on the face
Crea- (urut /)
Annuls tayamum:
All annuls wudzu also cancel tayamum
See or find water before prayers, when looking at the water before tekbirotul AKhram then Morals and prayers be valid in lanjukkan
Apostate (out of Islam)
If the person who tayamum wear bandages, the bandages should be removed, and if membahayakana to remove the bandage then simply rubbed the bandage
Tayamum only done for one-time prayer fardzu, between one another tawaf, the Friday prayer sermon and two Friday

Various ways of eliminating impurities and
          Unclean according to language is something that is disgusting, whereas according to the term is something haram like
Things to liquid (blood, vomit vomit and pus), every thing that comes out of the anus and qubul except mani
Carcasses and all parts of the skin, hair, and bones except human carrion, fish and locusts
Part of a separate living hawan except that the origin of humans, fish and locusts
Wash urine and feces was obligatory except urine boys who were not eating and not drinking water except ation, and had not eaten anything that adds strength.
Urine baby boy can be removed by means of water to flush the affected limb is unclean, but it is different with a baby girl due including mukhafafah unclean.
Blood or pus on clothing or body, but only a few remain valid for prayer.
Animals that do not have blood in his body menalir Yag die like flies into the water so the water is not unclean, but if the carrion flies that much and to be able to change the color of the water, the water will be unclean, and if the water appears animals such as uget-uget then the water is unclean
All animals were basically the sacred except dogs and babidan everything in keliarkan dogs and pigs unclean law mughaladhah
All bodies are unclean except human remains, iakn, and grasshoppers, the third body was sacred.
While eliminating unclean because in licking dog or a pig that is washed with pure water 7 times and one of the seven sacred use dust.
And when washed with running water and turbid, then it is sufficient and do not need to use the dust again, as main wash three times at last, after washing seven times with mixed dust.
Things bias becomes holy shit that is the way to silence her something to change shape (rot) like wine when it became cukak by itself without being given something in the wine, and when the wine is already a sacred container of liquor is then joined to become holy.
Wiping socks (muzah)
          Stroking socks (Kūzah) in wudzu it is permissible, but in a legal way ferdzu or not allowed, and in eliminating stools are also not allowed when a edang junub or leg is injured apbila people expect or hope for in swab instead washing the feet, then the law can not however be able to wash his feet, rubbing two Kūzah the ruling allowed, but if only one of the swab Kūzah it is not allowed except for people who do not have a leg (deformed)
Terms washed two Kūzah:
A person dressed in situations Kūzah be holy, if the person wearing Kūzah in a state of ritual impurity and impurity before your feet rubbed Kūzah Kūzah then if the law is valid.
Muzah talapak should be able to cover the legs and ankles, and if muzah less (insufficient) to ankles then the law should not be to wipe muzah.
Muzah should be used in people who are traveling or rush on its needs as a break in traveling.
Muzah must be able to withstand water or do not absorb water
Muzah in use should be sacred.
As for those who can wipe Kūzah two is
Bertempet people who live and time of day
People who travel and time three days in a row
As for the matter of that time is of the impurity and the last until after wearing muzah hadasnya.
While people who travel but for evil purposes, it can be wiped away rafters / Kūzah as well as those who lived / live brtenpat.
As for those who remain or lasted hadastnyasetelah wear kaoskaki and before prayers. Hadast then when that person can perform ablutions for wiping Kūzah.
If one is still in the house and rubbed muzah then that person go / person who is rubbed on the way, then bertampat living / habitation no one day and one night, then that person must complete a sweep earlier as well as those who mukim.
Mandatory in cases when rubbed muzah swab is rubbed outer shirt and smears is sufficient to it but not on the side of the heel shirt shirt / shirt underneath.
Sunahnya mengusapkaoskaki when ablution is spreading toes
Wiping muzah bias becomes void when
People who rubbed the release muzah
People who rubbed the release muzah because tear.
People who swiped junub / period / childbed
Menstrual blood
Blood that finished at the time of menstruation. Ie children aged 9 years or older and children were put out of menstrual blood in a healthy state is not due to the disease and not caused childbirth
As for the color red menstrual blood that is very black and hot so be very painful.
Blood purity
Blood ejected stelah woman giving birth, while the blood that comes out along with the birth of a child or before the birth of the child is not biased is not biased said puerperal blood.
Blood istikhadhoh
Blood ejected female genitals outside of menstruation and childbirth and those who give blood istihadhoh in unhealthy conditions (sick).
The timing of menstrual blood, childbirth, istihadhoh.
Menstrual blood
Menstrual blood out at least one day and one night (24 hours) without stopping long menstrual blood keluarpaling 15 days 15 nights in terms bleeding within 15 days in the count and add up if there are 24 hours then said wench menstruation. And if beluma da 24 hours then said darahistihadhoh generally menstrual blood out 6a days or 7 days
Blood purity
Postpartum blood at least out of the most lam kecrotan and 60 days post-partum blood generally out 40 days
Time is sacred
At least two menstrual holy time between the 15 days and there is no limit to the length of the sacred. Usually if menstrual 6 days max 24 days and if the sacred menstrual 7 days then the holy 23 days. As for women who menstruate at least age is 9 years.
The pregnant woman is at least 6 months pregnant two days and the duration is 4 years old and is generally 9 months

Many things for someone who menstruation and childbirth
Haram al quran reading
Illegal touching and bring Qur'an
Haram mosque
Haram towaf good compulsory or sunna
Illicit intercourse
Haram enjoyed goods between knees and navel
Illegal conduct either mandatory or sunnah prayers
Illegal either mandatory or sunnah fasting.
Things that are forbidden for people who junub
Illegal conduct mandatory or sunnah prayers
Haram al quran reading
Illegal touch and bring Qur'an
Haram towaf compulsory or voluntary
Illegal logging in the mosque
Things that are forbidden for people who berhadast
Illegal either mandatory or sunnah prayers
Haram towaf good compulsory or voluntary
Illegal carrying or touching the Qur'an
Book ahkamis solat
A sense
Prayers according to the language it means is prayer, while according to the term means is speech and movement that begins takbirotul ikhrom and diahiri invitation greetings with the requirements that have been specified.
Prayers are enjoined that there are 5 times
Midday prayer. (Called midday as the sun clearly in the middle of the sky). Onset time is of condongnya midday sun from the middle of the sky and the shadow of an object is finally time timur.sedangkan apbila midday is no shadow goods are goods the same length as the original item, shadow literally means a barrier
Asr (approaching the setting of the eye) has 5 time .salat Asr
The main time (early time Asr)
time in perboleh (near the time of the setting sun themselves)
When selecting
time can without Dimakruhkan
time haram
maghrib (time of sunset) from sundown valvular loss of red clouds.
Isha '(starting from the setting of the red cloud until dawn Shodiq) isha prayer time' there are two
Ihtiyar time: from time isha 'to 1/3 nights
Time allowed: from 1/3 night until dawn Shodiq
Fajr (starting from the first day)
Dawn has just as prayer songs
i. Fadhilah Time: early dawn of time
Permilih time: from the dawn of time until there is light
Time can with Dimakruhkan until sunrise
Time can not Dimakruhkan: until the reddish
Time unclean
Terms obligatory prayers
     Terms obligatory prayers are three:
People who are not required to run non islam prayers as the heathen, and when the unbelievers to Islam then he is obliged to pray but not required mengqodzo .and pray for apostates compulsory prayers and prayers mengqodzo if they converted to Islam.
A person who is not of legal age or children are not obliged to pray but if it has reached the age of 7 years the child must be in order to perform prayers .and if the child is aged 10 years if left prayers be in at
People who understand
People who do not have the sense not required to run salat like crazy, epilepsy and others.
Various kinds of salat:
Salat id (Eid al-Adha and Eid)
Salat eclipse (sun and moon)
Salad istisqoq
Salat rowatib (there are 17 rokaat)
-2 Rokaat dawn prayer
-4 Rokaat before midday
-2 Rokaat after midday
-4 Rokaat before Asr
-2 Rokaat before maghrib
-3 Rokaat before isha '
e. Witr prayer
The number rokaat Witr prayer there 11 rokaat and time is after prayers asha 'till before dawn
These Terms of Prayer
Terms syrat before performing prayers No 5:
Requirement is something that must be fulfilled before doing anything.
Laden prayer:
Holy of either large or small impurity and sacred of some unclean, which is not forgiven either in the body, clothing or place
Close meprecious when able, and when there was a man alone and in the dark if the prayers were naked and not mumble in the bow and then knelt in prayer need not be repeated, clothes to cover meprecious be holy, as meprecious men are between the navel and the knees, and women meprecious very (slave) together with meprecious orng men, while women meprecious independence is all the body except the face and palms tangan.semua it meprecious in prayer, while meprecious free woman outside prayer is all body and if in the same situation as myself meprecious men .aurot by language meaning less, while the term means something that should be covered and illegal when viewed though it were our own.
Must be in a sacred place
Knowing the inclusion of prayers
When the prayer was done without knowing the time, the prayer is not valid.
Facing qibkat (Ka'bah)
It is not because the person facing the Ka'bah mulyanya emotion .The chest exposed to the Ka'bah is the person praying.
One can not overlook the salat with qiblat when menalami things like this:
When in a state of fear war did an excellent nature fardzu or sunnah prayers.
In traveling the state is not allowed to vice and be in the vehicle.
Pillars of Prayer
There are 17 peaceful prayer:
1. Intent.
That is going to want to do some work while coupled with the time to do a job. While the intention place in the liver. So, if the intention was to pray fard prayer, wajiblah determined to intend to do the prayer fardhunya. And shall also bersengaja do firmly again clearly that dawn or dhuhur example.
Example: My intention is fard prayer at dawn two cycles because allah (dilafadzkan in the liver along with takbirotul chrome).
Or in the form of sholt sunnah prayer has the time - a specific time such as praying sunnah prayer mempunnyai rowatib or cause (done because there is something), like prayer istisqo ', then it must bersengaja do firmly and clearly.
Example: my intention voluntary prayer istisqo 'because god (dilafadzkan in conjunction with liver takbirotul chrome).
2. Stand at the time that allows it to be able to do so.
So if a person is unable to stand, it is allowed to pray in a sitting position with impunity, while the seat is more important is to sit iftirosy for those who pray sitting.
3. Takbiratul chrome.
So, for those able to pronounce sentence interpretation, it is mandatory for him to say: "Allahu akbar".
And void allJews in addition to the above sentence (eg Subhan Allah, Allah, etc.).
And are also obliged when glorified together - the intention to perform prayers. The imam Nawawi tend to think enough about the issue of participation in the intention when the takbir in the usual way dibenarkanan by most people.
4. Read Alfatihah.
And read basmalah which (in the view of Imam Shafi'i rahimahullah) is part of the Fatihah. Whoever dropped one Tasydid or a letter of reading Fatihah, or replace one letter from Winston reading with another letter of intent, then bacaanya idiot considered valid, and prayer is also invalid. But if not intentionally, then repeat the obligatory reading Fatiha. Whoever is not able to read the Fatihah (because of a new convert to Islam), then he can chant in lieu of reading Fatiha, if dhikr was not reduced from the number of letters - letters of surah Alfatihah. And if still not able to as well, then he should read the chapter could Alfatihah only. (If only to be able to read basmalah, it is enough for him, the records must quickly learn Fatihah).
5th Hand '.
Slightly - by touching the least bent - 2nd palm of his hand to his knees. (The most afdhol is forming an angle of 90o and straightening of the spine to the neck)
So, if someone is not able to bow as the above, it is sufficient for him to bend over as much as him.
6. Thuma'ninah developing Ruku '.
Ie stop with calm himself, when in a state of bowing. Mushannif (author of the book) makes tuma'ninah as separate pillars in a row peaceful - peaceful prayer. This is in line with the opinion of the chief Nawawi mentioned in the book at - tahqiq. While other mushannif making it as a trait that follow the course of several pillars of prayer. The most long tuma'ninah least it is if read "Subhan Allah" very slowly.
7. Waking up from Ruku '(I'tidal).
As the original state before bowing. Namely the establishment of the person who is unable to stand and his people are not able to stand.
8. Tuma'ninah developing i'tidal.
9. Make 2 times per cycles.
Prostration at least limit it is touching the skin of the forehead of people who perform prayers at his place of prostration (without any barrier or mukenah skullcap).
And the most perfect of the prostrate is bertakbir to perform prostration, it was done without lifting - 2nd hand and put into - 2 knees first and then to - two hands, then his forehead and nose.
10. Tuma'ninah when in a state of prostration.
And is not considered to be perfect is just touching his head in place of prostration. but should be suppressed, ie in case if there is cotton under the forehead, then the cotton was a sign - a sign of oppression (flat) and as well as to - 2 hands. (If for example there is also under palm cotton).
11. Sitting between two prostrations
on each - each cycles, both prayer in a state of standing or sitting or lying down.
Whoever is the quickest out of the seat, not the seat to the upright position, but closer to the prostration (so effectively as not sitting), then it is not considered valid in the seat, so that his prayers were considered invalid.
12. Tuma'ninah in the sitting between the two prostrations.
13. Sitting latter (tawarruk).
14. Reading tahiyyat final prayer in the last sitting.
Latest least tahiyyat prayer is: "ATTAHIYYATUL MUBARAKATUS SHOLAWATUTH THOYYIBATU manufacturing, Malaika ASSALAMUA AYYUHANNABIYYU wbt, ASSLALAMU'ALAINA WA'ALA IBADILLAHIS SHOLIHIN, asyhadi ALLA ilaaha ILLALLAH, WA asyhadi ANNA MUHAMMADARROSULULLAH" (honor, blessing, prosperity and good only for allah, may peace be upon you, O Prophet, and the abundant mercy of God and His blessings. Hopefully our peace and the righteous servants of Allah. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah prophet).
15. Reading the ridge on the prophet Muhammad during the last sitting.
The best bit is: "O Allah ala Sayyidina Muhammad". While reading the ridge on the family of the Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Ibrahim is sunnah.
16. Say hello first in the last sitting.
Most say the least is: "ASSALMU'ALAYKUM" 1 times. The most perfect is: "ASSALU'ALAYKUM warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh" 2 times, when turned to the right and to the left.
17. Tartib (respectively) during the Haj - the pillars of prayer.
It is not legitimate prayer people who are not in the execution sequence pillars - the pillars of prayer mentioned above. (والله اعلم بالصواب)

Differences in men and women in prayer
Lift the elbows and stretch, far from the stomach, the stomach is removed, also stretched away from the thigh while bowing when prostrating, as well as a strong voice in place (in prayer jahr). If there is something in prayer priest mistake, then bertashbih with utter سبحان الله with intent dhikr, or for the purpose of notification (the Imam). Then this does not invalidate the prayer, different if it intends to tell only, then canceled his prayer.
Nakedness of man (the limit in prayer) from the members of the body between the navel to the knee, but it does not mean the navel and the knee genitalia, nor limb beyond these limits.
Women differ from men in 5 cases, namely:
That woman squeeze half the members of the body other members, either when bowing and prostration, abdominal coincide with the thighs.
Dipelankan voice, while performing prayers beside many other men (not your husband / non-mahram), if a different prayer Munfarid away from them (men), it can be year / loud.
During prayers, something kekeliauran the Imam, the woman reminded by clapping, namely stomach right hand (the inside of the palm of the right hand) hit the back (the outside of your left hand).
If you deviate from these provisions, then canceled his prayer, for example, clapping his hands belly with intent playful (kidding) albeit slowly, and he had known that the act forbidden, then canceled his prayer. And provision applies to women pansy (الخنثى).
The whole body is a free woman genitalia that must be covered in addition to the face and hands, when his prayers, even the nakedness of his entire body is beyond prayer (to a non-mahram).
Unlike the slave woman (امة), then the same private parts with a man, that is a member of the body between the navel to the knees.
Overview of Sheikh Shamsuddin Abu Abd Allah, Muhammad bin Qosim.
Beliau adalah world mark Imam Shamsuddin Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Qasim Shafie
A Sheikh (headmaster) that 'alim, spacious yet intimate knowledge given by God to him. He is known as Shamsuddin.
He was elected by the clergy and the Muslims during his life, as Imamul Muslims by scholars after him. He fixed the Mujtahid Imam berorisntasi on Absolute Mujtahid Imam, Imam Shafi'i.
Annuls salat
Annuls prayer fourteen, namely:
1. Berhadats (such as urine and bowel movements).
2. Affected stool, if not removed immediately, without being held or appointed (by hand or otherwise).
3. Open shame, if not eliminated seketikas.
4. Spread the two-letter or a letter that can be understood.
5. Doing something that broke the fast with less accidentally.
6. Eat a lot though forgotten.
7. Moving with three consecutive movement even forget.
8. Jumping wide.
9. Hit hard.
10. Adding pillar fi'li intentionally.
11. Leading the priest with two pillars fi'li intentionally.
12. Late premises without udzur fi'li two pillars.
13. The intention of canceling prayer.
14. Require stopped praying with something and feel free to let him go.
Laws in some cases live in prayer
Thing in staying in prayer there is 3:
Fardzu or rule of prayer
Sunni ab'ada
Sunna hai'ad
Peaceful prayer is something that can not dig anti prostrating syahwi if a left at peace prayers in the prayers ..but when someone just to say hello and remember the rule of prayer is left then that person shall continue in prayer and peaceful change that has been in residence
   syahwi prostration is prostration in the sunna when a leave things in order or carry things prevented in prayer.
Ab'ad Sunna is a matter that does not count the time after fardzu or pillars of prayer.
For example, when doing a forgotten perform initial tasyahud and remember when I'tidal then tasyahudnya not counted, and if one was accidentally left tasyahud the prayers null and if one was forgotten or do not know it is not canceled and prayers and if that person ma 'mum then shall stand as to follow the imam.
As for including sunna ab'ad are:
Tasyahud early
Sitting early tasyahud
Qunut in the middle of the morning prayer and end in prayer birds Ramadzan
Standing as qunut
Pray at the Prophet Muhammad in the early tasyahud
 Pray on the prophet Muhammad and the family of the prophet in tasyahud end.
Sunni hai'at such as the rosary is a problem that does not need to do anything when it left the prostration syahwi either intentionally or not, and when a doubt in hitunganrokaat prayers as four rokaat or three rokaat then it is better to continue in prayer and prostration syahwi.
Time in makruhkan to prayer
Times in Makruhkan To Implement Prayer
There is a five-time are not allowed to pray even some Ulema including the author of Al-Mabadi 'Al-fiqhiyah (Chapter II) said unlawful conduct except pray that prayer has a cause. When is it time are the? Yes It Is:
After the Fajr prayer and ends up with the rising sun.
When the sun rises and ends up with the sun rising at an estimated size of the spear (entry Duha prayer time).
When the sun is in the middle of the sky (istiwa ') with the absence of the shadow of an object and ended up slipping of the sun (the sun shifts to the west and the emergence of a shadow to the east).
After Asr prayer and ends until sundown.
When the setting of the sun until its setting perfectly.

Dimakruhkan times in prayers that do not have because there are five, the three associated with time, ie the time the sun rises until the sun began to rise about the size of a spear, istiwa time 'to slide in the sun, and the time when the sun goes down (looks yellow) to perfect setting. The proposition that shows it is a hadith narrated by Muslim from Uqbah bin Amir RA, he said:
"Three times already Muhammad forbade us to perform prayers in this time frame or burying those who died: when the rising sun (apparent) until the sun began to rise, when people stand (not shown herself) dampai sun slips (starting to look shadow east), and when the sun began to gravitate to sunset (yellowish red) ".
The reason it dimakruhkannya three time for praying, because there is the argument hadith the Prophet narrated Ash-Shafi'i, namely:
"Surely there is concurrent with the rising sun devil horns, then when the sun starts to rise then disappear, when the sun istiwa 'are the same demons, when the sun begins to slip then disappear, when the sun begins to approach the sunset then there are demons, then when the sun was perfect sink devil missing ".
That the last two acts are related to pray Fajr or Asr prayer, if we are to pray Fajr or Asr prayer at the beginning of time, the time makruh to offer prayers after the prayer into two long, but otherwise if we do pray Fajr or Asr prayer at the end of the time period makruhnya getting shorter and narrower. Postulate that explains it is the Hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Hurairah RA Shohabat, namely:
"Verily the Prophet has forbidden to perform prayer after Asr prayer until sunset and perform prayer after Fajr prayer until the sun rises".
The purpose of the expression of the scholars on this point, when there are people menjama 'Taqdim (collect two prayers at a time when the first prayer) as collect dna Asr dhuhur done in time dhuhur by reason of traveling or sick or rain for example, then IT IS time for praying after Asr prayers continue to apply such law again.
But Imam Al-Bandayanji explain about this that was quoted from his friend that he took from Imam Shafi'i, yes, according to Imam Ammad bin Yunus that praying after Asr prayer when dijama 'taqdim was not dimakruhkan. This kind of expression was followed by some ulema, but according to Imam Al-Asnai, it is fabricated from Nash Shafi'i.
The banning of prayer in these times it excludes time and place, namely:
Time when istiwa 'on Friday, between reason is that at the time istiwa' it is a time when drowsiness began to attack the great, then to reject it is advisable to prayer sunnahh so wudhunya not be null.
If the place is the city of Mecca, so no kemakruhan at all to perform any prayers or at any time in the city of Mecca is, the reason is to glorify and honor this city. But according qaul saheeh that Makkah was the intention is ground Haram (Mecca and Medina), there are other qaul stating only Makkah alone. There are even more that the city Makkahnya qaul only in Masjid illegitimate alone, so in others it does not even of Makkah said.
The banning of prayer that is only valid for the prayer-prayer that does not have a cause, so if that prayer has since then there is absolutely no prohibition (makruh) and is located at the beginning or simultaneously, such as:
Mengqodhoi obligatory prayers left
Sunnah prayers that made a habit (wird)
Funeral prayer, prostration of recitation, Sound
Prayer sun or moon eclipse
Istisqo prayer '(prayer for rain) According qaul Ashoh.
However there are some prayers that have a cause but still dimakruhkan prayer, such as:
Istikhoroh prayer (ask to God so determinedly choose one of two things equally well-regarded), arguing that the reason lies in the end.
Pray two rokaat Ihram (according qaul Ashoh), arguing that the reason lies in the end.
As for the prayer Tahiyatul (homage to the mosque), when entering the mosque because there are goals like retreat or study or prayer then do not wait too Dimakruhkan, the reason why is the same, but when entering the mosque not for any purpose, then in the book Raudhoh and lectures belong prohibited.
Salat Pilgrims

1. The law of prayer congregation
Congregational prayer is fard 'ain for every individual unless that has udzur.
From Abu Hurairah ra, that the Prophet. said, "By the One that my soul is in His hands, so I told him to look for firewood, I will send (the Companions) prayer, then there is the azan for prayer (in congregation), then I sent a friend ( other) in order to lead them, then I'll go around checking people (who do not pray in congregation), then I will burn their houses. By the One that my soul is in His hand, in case one of them knows that he will get bacon fat thighs or two good camel, they will appear in the 'Isha' (congregation). "(Agreed upon: Fath Bari II: 125 no: 644 and this lafadz lafadz, Muslim 1: 451 no: 651 Ramadan, 'bunul Ma'bud II: 251 no: 544, Ibn Majah I: 259 no: 79l Ibn Majah not there last sentence, and Nasā'ī II: 107 lafadz exactly with Imam Bukhari).
From Abu Huraira said, had come to the Prophet. a blind companion and said, "O Messenger of Allah, verily I did not have a guide who will lead me to the mosque." Then he appealed to Allah that he gave rukhsah (waivers) to him, so that he can prayer (optional) at his home. So she then gave him confirmed. When he turned (to return), he called him, and said, "You hear the call to prayer to pray?" She replied, "Yeah, right." Word of her (again), "(Then) shall ye fulfill the call to prayer!" (Saheeh: Muslim Mukhtasar no: 320, Muslim I: 452 no: 653, and Nasā'ī II: 109).
From Abdullah (Ibn Mas'ud) ra, he said, "Whoever pleased to meet Allah on the Day of Judgment in the case of Muslims, then he should pay attention to prayer five times a day when he was called to do it, because Allah has mensyairi'atkan to your Prophet sunanul huda (sunnah sunnah based instructions), and indeed the five daily prayers (the congregation) including sunnanul huda. Suppose ye pray in your home (each), as well as those who deviate this prayer (optional) at home, that means you have to leave the Sunnah of your Prophet, while ye have forsaken the Sunnah of your Prophet, that means you've lost. Nobody is perfect cleansing, then went to one of the mosques and the many mosques in this, but surely Allah writes for him for every step he was doing a favor and He lifted a degree and with it (also) He removes a mistake. I have seen you (first), and no one was left prayers in congregation and among friends, but the hypocrites who had known hypocrisy, and indeed there was a man brought to the mosque being carried by two men to set it up in rows. "(Sahih: Sahih Muslim Jinu no: 631, Muslim I: 453 no: 257 and 654, Nasā'ī II: 108, unul Ma'bud II: 254 no: 546 and Ibn Majah I: 255 no : 777).
From Ibn Abbas and the Prophet. He said, "Whoever hears the call (to prayer), then do not comply, then there is absolutely no prayer for him, except those who berudzur." (Sahih: Sahih Ibn Majah no: 645, Ibnu I Majah: 260 no: 793, Mustadrak Hakim I: 245 and Sufism III: 174)
2. Preferential Congregational Prayers
From Ibn 'Umar that the Messenger of Allah. said, "Prayer in congregation than prayer alone with (the reward) twenty-seven degrees." (Agreed upon Fath Bari II: 131 no: 645, Muslim I: 450 no: 650, Tirmidhi I: 138 no: 215, Nasa 'i II no: 103 and Ibn Majah I: 259 no: 789).
From Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah. said, "Prayer in congregation than a prayer in his house and in the market for twenty-five more, that so it happened that when he ablution perfectly and then go to the mosque only for prayer (in congregation). So it does not skip a langkahpun, except therefore appointed one degree for her and therefore removed the offense from him. While the angels always shower His mercy on him (by praying to Allah), O Allah 'Alaihi, ALLAHUMMARHAMHU (O God pour out blessings upon him, and pour out blessings upon him). "And one of you is always considered to be in prayer for waiting (execution ) congregational prayer. "(Agreed upon: Fath Bari II: 131 no: 647, Muslim I: 459 no: 649 and 'bunul Ma'bud 11: 265 no: 555).
From Abu Hurairah, may Allah and the Prophet Muhammad. said, "Whoever departs evening and morning to the mosque (for prayers in congregation), Allah will provide for him a place to stay in heaven every time he went out in the afternoon and morning (to the mosque)." Agreed upon: Fath Bari II: 148 no 662 and a Muslim I: 463 no: 669)
3. Can the Women Went touchable In Salah Mosque?
Women can go to the mosque to attend prayers in congregation with their condition should abstain and things that can cause turmoil orgasm and that would reverberate defamation, namely in the form of jewelry and perfumes (Fiqhus Sunnah I: 193).
From Ibn 'Umar and the Prophet. said, "Do not prevent your women (go to) mosque-masjdi yet (remember) their houses are better for them." (Sahih: Sahih Abu Dawud no: 530, 'Aiunul Ma'bud II: 274 no : 563 and al Sahnaz Rabbani V: 195 no: 1333).
From Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah. said, "Any woman who wears perfume, then do not attend evening prayers 'with us." (Saheeh: Saheeh Jami'us Shaghir no: 2702, Muslim I: 328 no: 444,' bunul Ma'bud XI: 231 no : 4157, and Nasa'i VIII: 154).
From him (Abu Huraira) reported that the Prophet. said, "Do we hinder God's servants are women to (go to) the mosques of Allah, but (remember) let them leave (to the mosque) without wearing perfume." (Hasan Sahih: Sahih Abu Dawud no: 529, ' bunul Ma'bud 11: 273 no: 561, al-Rabbani Sahnaz V: 193 no: 1328).
4. Houses They Better For Those
Women, even though he may go to the mosque, but the obligatory prayers at home is more important.
Umm Humaid as-Sa'idiyah that he came to the Prophet dairy. and said, "O Messenger of Allah, I actually want prayers are with you." he replied, "Truly I know that you wanted to be with me in prayer, but prayer in your house is better than your prayers in your room, your prayers in your room is better for you than shalatmu in houses, prayer is better for you in your houses of prayer in the mosque of your people, and your prayers in the mosque your people are better for you than this dimasjidku prayer. "(Hasan al-Rabbani Sahnaz V: 198 no: 1337 and Saheeh Ibn Khuzai'mah III: 95 no: 1689).
5. Departure to Masjid Adab
From Abu Qatada ra he said, "When we were praying with the Prophet., Suddenly he heard a rumbling of people (who went to the mosque). When the Prophet finished the prayer, he asked, "What happened to you?" They replied, "We are in a hurry to join the prayer in congregation." He replied, "Do not do (once again). If you want to come (to the mosque for) prayer congregation, then you should (left) with calm. What you find, pray (like them) and what missed you, naka Fulfill! "(Agreed upon: Fath Bari II: 116 no: 635, and Muslim 1: 421 no: 603).
From Abu Hurairah, the Prophet. said, "When you hear iqamah, so they went (to the mosque for) prayers in congregation, with a quiet and full of integrity and do not rush, what you found, pray (like them) and what was missed from you, then complete . "(Agreed upon: Fath Bari II: 117 no: 636, and this lafadz him, Muslim I: 420, no: 602, 'bunul Ma'bud II: 278 no: 568, Tarmidzi I: 205 no: 326, an -Nasa'I II: 114 and Ibn Majah I: 255 no: 775).
Of Ka'b bin 'Ujrah reported that the Messenger of Allah. said, "When one of you wudoo 'properly, then went to the mosque, then do not ever clutching fingers, because it is considered to be in prayer." (Sahih: Sahih al-Tirmidhi, no: 316, Sunan Tirmidhi I: 239 no: 384 and 'bunul Ma'bud II: 268 no: 558).
6. Ruling Out Of Home
From Anas that the Messenger of Allah. said, "Whoever-the people who came out of his house and say," BISMILLAH, TAWAKKALTU Alala, WA WA LAA LAA Taulaa quwwat Illa BILLAAH (With (call) the name of God, I trust in God were powerless except with (IDZIN) Allah), "They told him," You have given instructions and have satisfied and protected. "And the devil away from him." (Saheeh: Saheeh al-Jami 'no: 6419,' bunul Ma'bud XIII: 437 no: 5073, and Tirmidhi V: 154 no: 3486)
From Ibn Abbas that he had slept in the Prophet's house. Then he explained the nature of his evening prayer, and said, "Muezzin call to prayer, then he went out to the (mosque for) the prayer in congregation as he prayed," ALLAHUMMAJ 'AL FII QALBII NUURAA, WA FII LISANII NUURAA, WAJ'AL FII SAM'II NUURAA, WAJ'AL FII BASHARII NUURAA, WAJ'AL MIN KHALFII Nuur, Swamin AMAMII NUURAA, WAJ'AL MIN FAUQII NUURAA, WA MIN TAHTII NUURAA, O A'THINII Nuur (= O Allah, make my heart glow and lisanku luminous, radiant and promote ears, make my vision radiant, glowing behind me make, me and my lower luminous glow. Oh God, give me light on). "(Saheeh: Riyad Muslim no: 379, Muslim I: 530 no: 191 and 763 and t'inul Ma'bud IV: 230 no: 1340).
7. Benediction When Will Sign Masjid
From Abdullah bin Amr al-'As, may Allah and the Prophet., That when he enters the mosque he would say, "AA'UUDZU BILLAHIL 'Azhim WA WA BIWAJHIHILL Kariim SULTHANIHIL QADIIM Minasyan SYAITHAANIR Rajim (I seek refuge in Allah the Almighty, To Face His Majesty, and His power since born of Satan the accursed temptation). "(Sahih: Sahih Abu Dawud no: 441 and 'bunul Ma'bud II: 132 no: 462).
From Fatima bint Mohammed., He said: It is the Prophet. when about to enter the mosque, he say "Bismillaah, WEEE 'ALAA RASULILLAH, ALLAHUMMAGH Oktarini DZUNUUBII WAFTAHLII ABWAABA RAHMATIKA (In the name of Allah, and hopefully prosperity tercurahkan to Allah. O Allah, forgive me my sins and open for me the doors rahma thy). "And when he wanted to go out (and mosque), he uttered," BlSMILLAAH, WEEE 'ALAA RASUULILLAAH, ALLAHUMMAGH Oktarini DZUNUUBI WAFTAHLII ABWAABA FADHLIK (With (call) the name of Allah, and hopefully prosperity bestowed upon Allah Ya Allah, forgive sins my sins and open the doors of thy grace). (Sahih: Sahih Ibn Majah no: 625, Ibn Majah I: 253 no: 771 and Tirmidhi l: 197 no: 313).
8. Salah Mosque Tahiyatul
When one enters the mosque, he shall Tahiyatul two rak'ah prayer before sitting down.
From Abu Qatada reported that the Prophet. said, "When one of you enters the mosque so do not (directly) sit before prayer (Tahiyatul) two." (Murtafaqun 'Alaih: Fath Bari III: 48 no: 1163, Muslim I: 495 no: 714, 'None Ma'bud II: 133 no: 463, Tirmidhi I: 198 no: 315 and Ibn Majah I: 24 no: 1013 and Nasā'ī II: 53).
We shall authors say prayers Tahiyatul by Dzahir orders above hadith that there is no qarinah-qarinah (indication indication) that turn and dzahirnya as a liability, unless the hadith Talha bin Ubaidullah:
Of Talha bin 'Ubaidullah reported that there was an Arab bedouin came to the Prophet. with matted hair and said, "O Messenger of Allah (please) please inform me, pray that God fardhukan anything to me?" he replied, "Prayer five times a day, unless you pray tathatwwu '." Agreed upon: Fath Bari I: 106 no: 46, Muslim I: 40 no: 11, 'bunul Ma'bud II: 53 no: 387 and Nasā'ī IV: 121).
In Nailul Authar I: 364, Imam Ash-Syaukani wrote as follows, "Efforts to make this hadith Talha as a theorem that shows not obligatory prayer Tahiyatul should be re-examined, in my opinion (ash-Syaukani), because whatever is on Abadi Ta'lim (basics of Islam) should not be involved in turning the argument that comes afterward. If not, then the obligations of the Shari'ah entirely confined to the five daily prayers alone. This is clearly in conflict with the ijma 'ulama' and confront Islamic majority svari'at content. The truth, that a genuine proposition that came later to be in accordance with its terms, either mandatory, sunnah, or otherwise. And, indeed, there is any disagreement on this issue, but the opinion of the most powerful push between two opinions. "Done.
Affirm the opinion Tahiyatul require prayer is reinforced by command of the Prophet while he was preaching:
From Jabir bin 'Abdullah, he said, "It has come a companion at the time. The Prophet. addressed the congregation for Friday prayers, then he asked (him), "O so and so, have you praying (Tahiyatul)?" He replied, "Not yet." he replied again, "(Then I got up and bow (heretofore). "(Agreed upon: Fath Bari II: 407 no: 930, Muslim II: 596 no: 875, 'bunul Ma'bud IV: 464 no: 1102, Tirmidhi II: 10 no: 508, Ibn Majah I : 353 no: 1112 and Nasā'ī III: 107).
9. When iqamah Was Declared, No More Prayers, Prayer Except Compulsory
From Abu Hurairah ra and the Prophet. He said, "When iqamah already voiced, then there is no prayer at all, except for the obligatory prayer." (Saheeh: Muslim Mukhtsar no: 263, Muslim I: 493 no: 710, 'bunul Ma' bud IV: 142-143 no: 1252, Tirmidhi 1: 264 no: 419, Ibn Majah 1: 364 no: 1151 and Nasā'ī II no: 116).
Of Malik bin Buhainah that the Prophet never seen a companion were praying two rak'ahs at a time when iqamah echoed. When the Prophet finished the prayer, he was surrounded by friends. The Prophet asked him, "What ?! morning prayers four cycles What is the morning prayer four rak'ahs ?! "(Agreed upon: Fath Bari II: 148 no: 663 and lafadz mi him, and Muslim I: 493 no: 711)
10. Fadhilah Getting Together Imam Takbiratul Ihram
From Anas that the Messenger of Allah. said, "Whoever is praying for God for forty days with the congregation getting takbiratul ihram, surely set him two freedoms: the free and the torments of hell and the (second) free and nifak nature." (Hasan: Saheeh Triniidzi no: 200 and Tirmidhi I: 152 no: 241).
11. The People Who Came Into When Imam Mosque In Salah Finished
From Sa'id ibn al-Musayyab ra that there is a companion and Ansar were in the dying seconds, said: 'I will tell you all the hadiths to me to tell you that will not, except get the pleasure of Allah. I heard the Messenger of Allah. said, "When one of you wudoo 'properly, then go to (the mosque for) prayers in congregation, he did not lift his right leg, but Allah Azza Wa Jalla definitely write him a favor, and do not put her left foot but Allah Azza Glorious, remove one from her mistakes. Then let one of you choose (a) atar much closer (to the mosque). If it comes to the mosque, and then prayed in congregation, his sins will be forgiven. If it comes to the mosque while they were working on a part (of obligatory prayers) and stayed with another, then he should follow their prayers, and then complete the rest so that it is equal to their wages. And if he comes to the mosque, while they have finished the prayer, then he completed the prayer (which missed), then this is the same reward their den. "(Sahih: Sahih Abu Dawud no: 527 and 'bunul Ma'bud II: 270 n 559).
From Abu Hurairah that the Prophet saw. said, "Whoever wudu '
perfectly, then went (to the mosque), then he found the congregation had finished the prayer, Allah Azza Wa Jalla give him the reward of those who do it and follow it, it does not diminish aught of them. "(Sahih: Sahih Abu Dawud no 528, 'bunul Ma'bud II: 272 no: 560 and Nasā'ī II: 111).
12. Person masbuq Must Follow Imam In Situation Whatever It
Of Ali bin Abi Talib and Mu'adBab Jama'ahz Salah bin Jabal that the Messenger of Allah. said, "When one of you come (to the mosque for) prayers in congregation, while the priest is in one movement, then do so as it was done by a priest!" (Sahih: Sahih al-Tirmidhi, no: 484, Saheeh Jami'us Shaghir no : 261 and Tirmidhi II no: 51 no: 588).
13. When is Considered Getting One raka'at
From Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah. said, "When you come into (the mosque for) prayers in congregation, while we were in a state of prostration, he bowed, but do not count it as one rak'ah, whoever that get compassionate with the priest, then he gets a prayer to get 1 raka'at is). "(Saheeh: Saheeh Jami'us Shaghir no: 468 n'Aunu1 Ma'bud III: 145 no: 875).
14. Person Ruku 'Behind Shaf
From Abu Bakrah ra that he had found the Holy Prophet. being compassionate, and he bowing before reaching the rows. Then the incident came to the Prophet., Then he said, "May God add enthusiasm, then do not you repeat again (bowing rows behind it)." (Saheeh: Saheeh Jami'us Shaghir no: 3565, Fath Bari II: 267 no: 783, bunul Ma'bud II: 378 no: (-79-680, and Nasā'ī II: 118).
From Atha 'that he heard Ibn Zubair confirmed in the pulpit, "When you enter a mosque, while the congregation were bowing then bow until you come (to the mosque), then you walk while bowing to enter into rows , because this is the Sunnah of the Prophet. "(Saheeh isnad: ash-Shahihah no: 229).
Of Zaid bin Wahb, he recalled, "I went with Abdullah bin Mas'ud from his home to the mosque. When we arrived mid mosque, the imam bowing and then Ibn Mas'ud Takbir bowing me to come with her jugs, then we walk (straight) and we got-up to the shaft when the congregation lifted his head (and compassionate). When the priest finished the prayer, I stood up (again) because I felt that I did not get (the first rak'ah), then later Abdullah bin Mas'ud pulled my hand and sat. Then he said, "Look, you really have got the ('prayer and the first rak'ah)." (Saheeh: ash. Shahihah II: 52 and Sufism II: 90).
15. Imam Administered Shorten Reading
From Abu Hurairah that the Prophet. said, "When one of you prays for the congregation, then shorten it because among the congregation there is a weak, sick there, and (also) the elderly. But when he prays for himself alone, then extend it all! ' (Agreed upon: Fath Bari II: 199 no: 703 and this lafadz him, Muslim I: 341 no: 467, bunul Ma'bud III: 11 no: 780, Tirmidhi I: 150 no: 236 and Nasā'ī II: 94).
16. Imam More Extends First RAKA
From Abu Sa'id ra, said, "It was midday prayer begins, then there are a congregation that (exit) go to the Baqi 'to defecate. (Once done) then he wudoo ', and went (to the mosque again) while the Prophet was still in the first rak'ah, because he was prolonging the first rak'ah. "(Sahih: Sahih al-Nasaa'i no: 930, Muslim I: 35 no: 454 and Nasā'ī II: 164)
17. Compulsory Following Imam's and Don'ts preceeding
From Anas that the Prophet. said, "Surely it is to be a priest followed. Therefore, when it is the interpretation, you shall takbir, when you fell down prostrate, and when he lifted (head), then lift it out (head) ... "(Agreed upon: Muslim 1: 3 (no: 411, Fath Bari II: 173 no: 689, 'annul Ma'bud II: 310 no: 587, Tirmidhi I: 225 no: 358, Nasā'ī III: 98, and Ibn Majah 1: 92 no: 12:38).
From Abu Hurairah that the Prophet saw. said, "It is not one of you feel worried, when (raising his head), Allah will make his head as the head of an ass, or Allah will make the look on his face like the face of an ass ?!" (Agreed upon: Fath Bari II: 182 no: 691, Muslim I: 320 no: 427, 'bunul Ma'bud II: 330 no 609, Tirmidhi U: 48 no: 579, Nasā'ī II: 96 and Ibn Majah I: 308 no: 961).
18. Persons Entitled to Be Priests
From Ibn Mas'ud al-Ansari, that the Messenger of Allah. said, "That became a priest in a community is a better understanding of the book of Allah, if they are in the same case kitabullah understand, then who better understand the Sunnah of the Prophet among them, if in terms of understanding the Sunnah of the Prophet same, then the former moved in between they, when they moved in the same case, then the first converts to Islam among them, and do not become priests for others in the territory of that person and do not sit at home in a special place, except with hardship. "(Saheeh Muslim Riyad no: 316, Muslim I: 465 no: 673, Tirmidhi I: 149 no: 235, 'bunul Ma'bud II: 289 no: 578, Nasā'ī II: 76, Ibn Majah I: 313 no: 980. \
In addition there are of them, saying, "If they are the same in terms of migration, the older among them who has become a priest." The history of one of Imam Muslim.
In this hadith there are indications that the landlord and the regular priest (imam) and seems to be more worthy than the prayer of them, unless they get permission and is based on the Prophet said, "And not a priest for the people in place power person. "
19. Small Children Become Priests
From Amr bin Salamah ra, he said: When the going Fath Mecca, every race vying declare his Islam and the Islamic nation, my father had preceded. When he came (to them, he said, "By Allah, I really come to you and hand of the Prophet, then he said: Pray this way at a time like this, and pray like this at this time. When (time) prayer arrived, should one of you a call to prayer and to be the most memorizing the Quran to your faith. "Then the companions look around, there's no more memorizing Quran and me, because before I had studied the Qur'an the number of travelers, and then they appointed me as their priest, when I was six or seven years old. "(Sahih: Sahih al-Nasaa'i no: 761, Bari Fath VIII: 22 no: 4302, 'bunul Ma'bud 293 no: 581, Nasā'ī II: 80).

20. Person congregational Salah Salah Bermakmum To The Sunnah Or Otherwise
Of Mu'adh bin Jabal jabir that prayer with the Prophet, then go back (home), and then a priest of his people. "(Saheeh: Riyad Bukhari 278 Page no: 387, Fath Bari II: 192 no: 700, Muslim I: 339 no : 465, 'bunul Ma'bud III: 776, Nasā'ī II: 102).
Of Yazid ibn al-Aswad that at the time he was a teenager never prayed with the Prophet .. When he finished the prayer, there were two friends who did not join the prayer in congregation in the mosque, then called by her, then brought them both to her with a shudder he asked, "then what prevented you to pray in congregation with us?" they both replied, "Certainly we have prayer in congregation in our way." Word of her (again), "Do not be so, while a some of you have been praying in congregation in his way, then he gets the imam (prayer is), but it does not include a prayer, pray with him, because it's both true sunnah prayer for him. "(Sahih: Sahih Abu Dawud no: 538, ' bunul Ma'bud II: 283 no: 571, Tarmidzi I: 140 no: 2 and Nasā'ī II 112)
21. The Mugim Bermakmum To Musafir Or Rather
From Ibn 'Umar said, "Umar midday prayer with the people of Mecca, and he greeted me on the second, then said," O people of Makkah, complete your prayers, because we are people traveling! "(Saheeh: Jami 'Usul ul V: 708 ditahqiq by Al-Anaa uth and Abdur Razzaq Mushnaf no: 4369).
22. When Musafir Bermakmum Mugim To People Who Must Improve
Of Musa ibn Salamah al Hudzali ra said, "I never asked Ibn 'Abbas, how prayer alone when in Mecca Ibn Abbas replied," (Pray) two rak'at, this is the Sunnah of Abul Qasim (Saheeh: Irwa ul Ghalil no: 571 and Muslim I: 479 no: 688 and Nasa'i: 119)
From Abu Mujalazi, he said, "I never asked Ibn 'Umar, a traveler get two rak'ahs of prayer local people, ie those who relied whether two rak'at was enough for him, or whether he should pray (complete) as Their prayer? "Ibn Umar laughed, then said," He should pray (complete) as their prayer. "(Sahih isnad: Irwa-ul Ghalil no: 22 and Sufism III: 157).
23. Able Person To Person Standing Bermakmum Prayers With Sitting And he sat Collective
From Aisha, said, "The Messenger. prayer at home because the pain he prays sitting, while a number of friends standing behind her with prayer. then he gestured to them to sit down (too). When finished the prayer, the Prophet said, "Allah made it only for the priests followed. Therefore, when the priest bowing then bow, when he lifted (his head) then raise (your head), and when he prays sitting then pray you to sit (too)! "(Agreed upon Fath Bari II: 173 no : 688, Muslim I: 309 no: 412 and '315 bunul Ma'bud I no: 591) .Yaitu in the house of Aisha, the wife was not at home the other. See Fath Bari II: 175 (Ed.)
From Anas, he recalled: (At one point) Prophet fell from his horse to his right stomach swelling. So we visited with her, then it is time for prayer, then the Prophet praying with us in a state of sitting, then we pray behind the seat (anyway). When the prayer was over, he said, "Verily maketh priests only to be followed. Therefore, when he has Takbir, then bertakbirlah you, if he has bowed so threw you and if he had been raised (head) then lift (head as well), when he uttered, SAMI'ALLAHU Liman Hamidah, then say, RABBANAA WALAKAL hamdu , and when he sat down then Pray pray with you all to sit down (too). "(Agreed alaih: Muslim 1: 308 no: 4 11, Fath Bari 11: 173 no: 689, 'Aunul Ma'bud II: 310 no : 587, Tirmidhi I: 125 no: 358, Nasa'i III: 98, and Ibn Majah 1: 392 no: 1238).
24. Must Stand Alone congregation Just In Align Imam (Parallel With it).
Ibn 'Abbas said, "I've spent the night at my aunt's house, Maimunah last Prophet. Isha ', then pray four cycles, and then wake up (in prayer again), and then it comes up on the left, then he made at his right hand. "(Saheeh: Irwa-ul Ghalil 540, Sahih Ibn Majah no: 792, Tarmidzi I: 147 no: 232, Nasā'ī II: 104 Ibn Majah I: 312 no: 973).
25. Makmum Two Or More Stand By Making Shaf Behind the Imam.
Jabir said, "The Messenger. stand up to prayer, and then I came and stood at the left, then Allah holds my hand and spun me to put on his right. Shortly thereafter came Jabbar bin cotta, then stand on the left side of the Prophet, then he held my hand all of us, leading us to our stand (shaft) behind him. "(Saheeh: Ihwa-ul Ghalil no: 540, Muslim I: 458 no : 269-660, 'bunul Ma'bud II: 318 no: 595, and Ibn Majah I: 312 no: 975).
26. If Makmum A Woman Should Stand Behind Imam
From Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah. prayer with him and with his mother or his aunt he said, "He put me on the right and put her behind us." (Agreed upon: Fath Bari II: 192 no: 700, Muslim I: 339 no: 465, 'bunul Ma' bud III: 4 no: 776, and Nasā'ī II: 102)
27. Obligations Straightening Shaf
Mandatory for the priest to not start the prayer sebelun control rows, which he himself told the congregation straighten the rows, or appoint someone to straighten the rows:
From Anas that the Messenger of Allah. said, "Straighten your rows straight rows because indeed it includes the perfection of prayer." (Agreed upon: Muslim I: 324 no: 433 and this lafadz him, Fath Bari II: 209 no: 723, 'bunul Ma'bud (II: no 367: 654, and Ibn Majah 1: 317 no: 993)
From Abu Mas'ud said, is the Messenger of Allah. straighten shoulders when we will start the prayer and said, "Make straight the way, do not line up, (if not straight), they will caution you to be at loggerheads again." (Saheeh: Saheeh Jami'us Shaghir no: 961, Muslim I: no 323: 432).
From an-Nu'man bin Bashir, may Allah be pleased, said, is the Prophet. -shaft straightening shafts we seem to stalk her straighten this arrow until we saw him we were tied. Then one day, he stood almost start takbir, and then see the chest of a friend who stand out from the rows, then he said, "O servants of God, you really straighten your rows, or (if not), God really make faces is different. "(Saheeh: Saheeh Jami'us Shaghir no: 3972, I: 324 no: 128 and 436, 'bunul Ma'bud II: 363 no: 649, Tirmidhi no: 227, Nasā'ī II: 89 and Ibn Majah I: 318 no: 994)
The use of the word faith (stalk arrows), are shown to be straight and dense rows that. Sharh Muslim.
From Ibn 'Umar that the Messenger of Allah. said, "Establish the shaft-shaft, align between the shoulders, fill in the blank and weak kind to your brother, do not leave gaps for the syaithan, whoever Allah connecting shafts have a relationship with whoever breaks the shaft, severing of God relationship with him. "Sahih: Sahih Abu Dawud no: 620 and 'bunul Ma'bud II: 365 no: 652).
From Anas that the Messenger of Allah. said, "Rapatkanlah and lift-shafts shafts between you and make straight neck, By the One in whose myself in his grasp, I really look syaithan enter into rows through the cracks rows like a black kid." (Saheeh: Shabi Abu Daud no: 621, 'bunul Ma'bud II: 366 no: 653, Nasā'ī II: 92).
28. How to Straighten Shaf
From Anas from the Prophet. said, "Straighten your rows, rows, because surely I see you and behind your back." And (Anas said), "A man among us to post his shoulder with his brother's shoulder, and legs with feet of his brother." (Saheeh: Riyad Bukhari, no: 393 and Fath Bari II: 211 no: 725).
An-Nu'man bin Bashir affirmed, "I saw a man among us attaching the ankle with his ankles." (Saheeh: Mukhtasar Bukhari no: 124 pp. 184 and Fath Bari II: 211 in mu'allaq).
29. Shaf Male And Female
From Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah. said, "The best rows of men are the first rows and rows worst is the last and the best rows for women are the most recent and worst is at the forefront." (Saheeh: Saheeh Jami'us Shaghir no : 3310, Muslim I: 326 no: 440, 'bunul Ma'bud II: 374 no: 663, Tirmidhi I: 143 no: 224, Nasā'ī II: 93 and Ibn Majah I: 319 no: 1000).
30. First Priority Shaf Shaf And Right
Of Bara 'bin Azib ra he said: It is the Prophet. said, "Verily Allah and His angels send blessings to pilgrims who are on the first rows." (Sahih: Sahih Abu Dawud no: 618, 'bunul Ma'bud 11364 no: 650, Nasā'ī II: 90 and under Sunan Kubra use the word, "ASH SIUFUFUL MUTAQADDIMAH (= shaft-shaft cutting edge).")
Thereof (ie Bara 'bin' Azib) ra, he said, "When we bermakmum prayer to the Prophet. We want to be in the right. Allah will turn to us with the look on his face, and I heard him say, "Yes, my Lord, and I keep Thy wrath on the day you awaken thy servants." (Saheeh: at-Targhib: 500, Muslim I: 492 and 493no: 709)
31. Makmum Yang FASTER Standing Behind Imam
From Abu Mas'ud al-Ansari that the Messenger of Allah. said, "Let the person who is standing behind me among you are those who've grown and matured mind, then after them, and after them." (Sahih: Sahih Abu Dawud no: 626, Muslim I: 323 no: 432, "bunul Ma'bud II: 371 no: 660, Ibn Majah I: 312 no: 976 and Nasa'i II: 90)
32. The Preempted I Makruh Shaf
Of Muawiyah bin Qurrah of his father, he said, "At the time of our Prophet prohibited (by her) to form columns and rows that prevented us keep far away from him." (Sahih: Sahih Ibn Majah no: 821, Ibn Majah I: 320 no : 1002, Mustadrak Hakim I: 218, and Sufism III: 104)
The above applies to the prohibition of prayer in congregation, as Munfarid prayer alone, then why not a prayer in between some poles as sutrah him.
From Ibn `Umar said the Prophet., Usamah bin Zaid, 'Uthman bin Talha, and Bilal went into a house. Then the Prophet. old inside, then out. I was the first person to follow in his footsteps. Then I asked Bilal, "Where did he pray?" She replied, "He (prayer) in between the two poles of the cutting edge." (Saheeh: Riyad Bukhari case 139, Bari I Fath: 578 no: 504).
33. A number of 'udzur Enabling Leaving Salah Jama'ah
1. Too cold and rainy
From Nafi 'that Ibn' Umar used azan for prayer in congregation on a cold night and blustery, then exclaimed, "Behold, ye pray in their homes and then he said that the Prophet never told muezzin when Beradze at night cold and rain to reveal, "Behold, your prayers for all of you in each house!" (Agreed upon: Fath Bari II: 156 no: 666, Muslim I: 4-no: 697, 'bunul Ma'bud III: 391 no: Nasā'ī II 1050: 15).
2. canned meals
From Ibn 'Umar that the Messenger of Allah. said, "When dinner one of you has been prepared and iqamah already echoed, then start with dinner, and do not rush for (Isha ') before completion and eat." And is Ibn Umar when prepared meals for her and iqamah being echoed, then he would not attend before finished eating, and he actually listened to the priest. (Agreed upon: Fath Bari II: 159 no: 673, Muslim I: 392 no: 459, without the last sentence and 'bunul Ma'bud X: 229 no: 3739)
3. Always driven by curiosity defecate and urinate.
Of Aisha, he said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah. said, "There is absolutely no prayer when meals are available and no (also) for people who are driven by feces and urine." (Saheeh: Saheeh Jami'us Shaghir no: 7509, Muslim I: 393 no: 560 and 'bunul Ma 'bud I: 160 no: 89).
Praying Jama 'And Shortening
Plural prayer
What is meant by praying Jama is a merger of two hours of prayer and worked at one time, for example pray Dhuhr with Asr, Maghrib and Isha.
When Zuhr worked together with Ashar Ashar in time, then called Jama Ta'khir. Conversely when Asr prayer done together with Noon at noon called Jama Taqdin. Similarly, if Maghrib and Isha worked together at the time of Maghrib, he called Jama Taqdim, conversely Maghrib and Isha worked together at Isha time, he was named Jama Ta'khir.
Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha, Rakaatnya fixed, 4,4,4, and 3. In praying Jama 'both Taqdim and at the end, then the prayer is a prayer that comes first to do it first time. So, when you are finished with Zuhr prayer, should be continued with the 'Asr prayer; as well as the Maghrib and Isha.
Jama prayers can be done by people who:
* Because the trip or journey, namely since he left to return to the village
* Because doing heavy jobs that really hard to break.
* Or other causes that person is unable to perform the prayers on time.
There must be an intention in his heart that he was praying Jama '.
Shortening Prayers
What is meant by praying Maghrib prayer is that four cycles into two cycles alone, the prayers Dhuhr, Asr, and Isha. In the Qur'an it is stated:
"And when ye travel through the earth, then why do not you shorten your prayers if you fear that those who disbelieve. Surely, disbelievers are an open enemy to you ". (An Nisa 101).
Narrated by Ahmad, Muslim, and Abu Dawud from Yahya bin Zid reported:
"I have asked Anas about shorten his prayers. And he said: The Messenger "When he walked away 3 miles or 33 farskah (25.92 km), then he prayed two rak"
In another statement stated that Umar asked the Prophet: "Do as we do, while we have been safe".
He said: "It is the Will of God Almighty to you, then accept his charity" (HR Ja'la bin Umayya)
Maghrib prayers can be done by someone who was traveling (traveler) either in a safe state, or in a state of fear; either mandatory or regular travel, provided the travel is not immoral. In the course of Hajj, studying, trading, visiting friends and others, lawful for
mengqasharkan prayers.
The qashar prayers alone, nor qasahar and jama 'a person is doing during the trip, then after he arrived back home, his prayer will not be repeated.
A traveler, can do the jama 'and qashar once. If you want to do jama, and qashar, if you want the call to prayer, the Adhan enough singly and Iqamah twice. How, at first call to prayer, then iqamah and prayers. When you've finished it iqamah again for the next prayer. Prayer is qashar
part of the ruling Islamic religion.
Can jama 'in the country
"It has been said Ibn Abbas: Allah's Messenger prayers jama 'between Noon and Asr and between Maghrib and Isha, not at a time when fear and not on the cruise (safa). Then someone asked Ibn Abbas: "Why did the Prophet do so? He said: "The Messenger of Allah do so because do not want to incriminate one of his people". (Reported by Imam Muslim)
Can Instantly, But Not Freely
If you are traveling before slipping the sun (ie prior to Noon and Noon turns can not be done in time because there are a hassle or difficult obstacles circumvented), then it can be done at Noon Asr time, together with the Asr prayer. If you go out after the sun slipped, ie already in the midday, while your own estimate there could be no chance to do the Asr prayer on time, then you can do Asr together in prayer Noon Noon time too, so with the Maghrib prayer and Isha.
Important Intention
For someone who really busy with a task that can not be omitted (or if left can damage), then there is permission for him / waivers for prayers jama '(Noon by Ashar at Noon or Noon to Asr in the time of Asr. Likewise Maghrib by Isha, even if he is in the city or the country. But, this is not the way to become a habit, but allowed for that indeed requires, either in prayer or outside prayer.
At the time of prostration recommended reading:
Blanket wajhiya lilladzii khalaqahu wasyaqqa sam'ahu wabasharahu bihawlihi waquwwatihi. (I bow to the God who created it, provide hearing and vision with his power and strength)
When outside praying, reading the verses that are determined to do prostration recitations, then the audience (witness) are encouraged participate prostrate; if they did not participate prostrate, then it will not sin.
When the congregation in prayer, Imam prostrated recitations, then the congregation must participate prostrate, when the congregation did not kneel, then Vain capacity as a member of prayer.
Salat Jum'at
Terms obligatory Friday prayers
People are required to work on the Friday prayers are those who have met the following requirements 7:
a. Islam
b. Puberty
c. Politic
d. Free
e. Man
f. Healthy body
g. Settled (not traveling, not for long distances).
While people who are not required to work Friday prayer is:
a. Unbelievers
b. Small children (who have not baligh)
c. Crazy people
d. Slave
e. Women
f. Musafir A. Meaning Definition / Pergertian Friday Prayers
Friday prayer is praying is done in two cycles Friday congregation and implemented after the sermon.
B. Law of Prayer Friday
Salah Friday have mandatory legal 'ain for men / men muslim, independence and settle in the country or a specific place. So for the ladies / women, children, the sick and children, and Friday prayer is not obligatory.
Dalil Al-Qur'an Surah Al Friday verse 9:
"O ye who believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday, hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave your trading. That is better for you if ye only knew. "
C. Implementing Rules Valid Friday Prayer
1. Friday Prayers are held in place which is destined for Friday prayers. No need to hold the implementation of Friday prayers in a while such as vacant land, fields, gardens, etc.
2. Minimum number of participants worshipers Friday prayers is 40 people.
3. Friday prayer performed during prayer times dhuhur / noon and after two sermons of the preacher.
D. Provisions Friday Prayers
Friday prayers have the contents of the following activities:
1. Speak hamdalah.
2. Spread Peace Messenger.
3. Say the shahadah.
4. Provide advice to pilgrims.
5. read verses from the Koran.
6. read prayers.
E. Wisdom Friday Prayer
1. The symbol of unity with fellow Muslims gather together, worship together with the line tight and neat rows.
2. To show that there is no difference among humans. All the same among the poor, rich, old, young, smart, stupid, and so forth.
3. According to the hadith, our prayer to Allah SWT will be granted.
4. In the light of Islam.
F.-Circumcision Circumcision Friday Prayers
1. Take a shower before coming to a place of prayer jum at.
2. Wearing good clothes (preferably white) and decorated with neat like a comb, shaving and cutting nails.
3. Wearing pengaharum / deodorant (non-alcoholic).
4. hastening come to Friday prayers.
5. Increase the richest prayer and prophecy.
6. Reading the Qur'an and dhikr before Friday sermon begins.
Terms 1. Sermon Sermon done before Friday prayers 2. Intention 3. Delivered with a language that can be understood by the community. 4. Which of the sermon and the sermon is done in one of two times. (Between the two can not be separated with Friday prayers). 5. Presented with a voice that can be heard by the congregation, the minimum number of people that must be met as a condition for the validity prayers Friday, 40 people. 6. Friday prayers done so immediately after the sermon, can not be interrupted by things that have nothing to do with the implementation of the Friday prayers. B. Watch Sermon 1. Praise to God (read: "al-Hamdulillah, or, Ahmadullah, or Hamdan manufacturing, and others") in each of the first and second sermon. 2. Read the richest to the Prophet Muhammad in every sermon, one and two (Beloved: "O Sholli 'ala Muhammad, or the like") 3. intestate to do piety in every sermon (the message: "ittaqullah, or athi'ullah, or ushikum bitaqwallah, or any similar ") 4. Read one or several verses of the Koran. 5. Pray for goodness and mercy for the believers in the sermon. Pillar above the pillars addressed in the Shafi'i. According to this school of thought, all the pillars should be submitted in Arabic, while other messages are not included in harmony can be delivered in a language that is understood by the congregation. The other sects are as follows: 1. Hanafi, harmonious sermon is one thing, the remembrance of the absolute, either long or short. According to this school of thought even reading tahmid, or beads, or pre, is enough to invalidate the obligation sermon. This school argues that the sermon can be delivered in any language, not to be Arabic. 2. Maliki, harmony and addressed by this school is one thing, the phrase that contains the good news (with promises of reward from God) or warning (for those who like to break the rules of God). This school argues that the whole sermon to be delivered in Arabic. If no one is able to use Arabic duty Friday prayers fall to be implemented. 3. Hanbali, pillars addressed in this school, there are four things, namely: a. Reading "Thanks" in every sermon, one and two. b. Beloved Prophet Muhammad. c. Read one or several verses of the Koran. d. Testament to the devotion. This school also argues that the sermon should be delivered in Arabic for the rich. For who can not speak Arabic, the language of affordable housing, specifically to al-Qur'an can not be replaced by other languages. Thus, the details of the terms and rules addressed by the sects of the many valid. Indeed, almost no difference between the lecture addressed the usual propagators. The only difference being the time of delivery. Wa 'l-Lah-u best. Thus, may help. Regards, Shocheh Ha
Salat Eclipse
 Understanding Eclipse
Eclipse in terms Syar'i called khusuf or kusuf, whose meaning is: the loss of some sun and moon or the overall loss due to natural processes, which lead to the condition when it leads to a dark or black color.
Eclipse itself consists of two kinds of eclipses that "solar eclipse", known as "kusuf" and "eclipse" known as "khusuf"
Salah Salah two eclipses are done at the time of the eclipse of the sun or moon in the manner and in accordance with certain provisions exemplified by the prophet salallahu 'alaihi wasalam.
Basic Law of Command Salah two eclipses
"There has been an eclipse of the sun on the day of the death of Ibrahim, son of the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam. Man said: There has been an eclipse of the sun because of the death of Ibrahim. He said to the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam, "Look, the sun and the moon are two signs among the signs of Allah. God frighten His servants with them. Solar eclipse, not because of the death of a person or the birth. So when you see that's the case, then you must pray and pray until the expiry of the eclipse. "(HR. Bukhari & Muslim).
"Verily the sun and the moon are two (sign) of the signs of God's power. Both do not eclipse because of the death of a person's experience and also because a person's life. Therefore, if you see this then let you pray to God, bertakbir, prayer and charity ". After that, he said: "O people of Muhammad, by Allah, no one who is jealous of God when His servants, men or women commit adultery. O Ummah of Muhammad, if you know what I know, surely you would laugh little and weep much "(Narrated by Ash-Syaikhani).
Prayer Time
Prayer time two eclipses starting eclipse until the end of the eclipse, it is based on the word he Sholallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam, "When you see (meaning: something of the event), then Pray". (Mutafaqqun 'Alaih).
And in another hadith, "And when you see that this is the prayer until the sun looks". (Narrated by Muslim)
There is no making up the prayer of eclipse, the eclipse time if time had been lost then not prescribed to do a prayer of eclipse.
Procedures for Eclipse Prayer
Total eclipse prayer cycles is 2 cycles of 2 times reading Alfatihah and 2 times 2 times bowing and prostration in every rak'ah.
The only difference between the eclipse prayer with other prayer is the number of cycles in each bow as many as 2 times.
Here's how the eclipse prayer:
Prayers with the number 2 cycles, reading prayers in harden.
Read the letter al-Fatihah followed by reading the other options, in sunnahkan read long letters.
Furthermore bow, with a long bow.
Once he lifted his head from bowing and read "Sami 'Allahu liman hamidah Rabbana Malakal ḥamdu"
Then he re-read the letter of Al-Fatihah and a shorter length of the first letter.
Then bowing to the time bowing shorter than the time bowing first.
Once he lifted his head from bowing and read, "Sami 'Allahu liman hamidah Rabbana Malakal ḥamdu"
Bowed first
Further rise from prostration and do sit between two prostration
Prostration back to do the second prostration.
then back up and start the second rak
Then do the prayer offered both as the first cycles with two bowing and two prostrations long.
Then after the second prostration followed by bertasyahud, and last
Sunnah Prayers of two eclipses
Dhikr, MERIT, takbir, sodaqoh and do other good deeds.
Exit to the mosque to perform prayers in congregation eclipse
 The eclipse prayer does not begin with prayer and iqamah, but with the cry "ashsholatu jami'ah" (prayer will be established)
Sermon after prayers eclipse
. Salah Istisqa
Istisqa 'means a request was sent down by Allah Almighty to a number of state or his servants who need it through prayer, pray and pray when there is drought.
The statute
Salah Istisqa 'including a highly recommended sunnah prayers once (sunnah muakkadah), in which the Prophet had done that and he also told people to participate to go to the place of execution prayer RAIN.
Therefore, when rain does not fall very old and the land is arid, it is advisable for the Muslims to go to the field to perform the prayer RAIN two rekaat led a faith, prayer and seek forgiveness, and multiply her mantle rotate the right side is placed to the side left. Sebagaiamana the Prophet of Abdullah bin Zaid he said
I saw the Prophet, peace be upon him the day he came out derives people donating to his back and received a kiss and then calls on the robe and then bless us speak out two rak'ahs reading
"I saw the Prophet when he went to the field to pray RAIN bendable her back to her friends and the Qiblah while praying, then he bendable mantle, and then pray with our religion rekaat loud while reading the verses."
Procedures prayer RAIN
Go to the field and then pray in congregation with people who are led by a priest without prayer and iqomah but should say الصلاة جامعة. Then pray two rekaat, if the priests consented then it can membacca takbir seven times rekaat pda first and five times in rekaat keduaseperti on Eid prayers. In rekaat perama priest read a letter al-'Ala after he read Al-Fatiha with a loud voice proceedings, whereas in the second rekaat read the letter al-Ghashiyah. Having finished the prayer should be facing toward the congregation priest then he preached to them by calling them so much bersitighfar, then the priest prays that was echoed by the congregation and the priest facing direction and change the position of her mantle, so that the right moves to the left, and the left hand moves to the right and then raised his hand, and those of men with scarves should change their position as a priest. Selanjutya they prayed for a moment then disbanded And Sunnah when praying RAIN raised his hand to the position on the back of his hand.
Some forms RAIN
A priest prayed two rekaat together congregation, at any time, except for the time being forbidden to pray. With hardened reading, first rekaat reciting surat Al-Ala and the second with the Al-Ghashiyah Done prayer priest giving the sermon before men then prayed God kepda that rain down. And this is the most perfect and complete.
When then at the end of Friday sermons sermon the preacher prayed that the rain descended, and the congregation agrees do'anya. Sebagaiamana the Prophet, From Anas that a man entered the mosque on Friday, while the Prophet was standing preaching, and men had said, "O Messenger of Allah had destroyed my property, my lunch was finished, then pray ' yield to God to help (the rain) to us, then the Prophet raised his hands and prayed,
Oh God, Oh God, give us help give us help God give us help
Only by prayer alone, not on Friday, nor praying in the mosque or in the field.
The execution RAIN
Execution time RAIN same as prayer festival is Maalikis, based on the testimony of Aisha, "The Prophet went prayer RAIN when it looked sunscreen." But in this hadith not limit that time to pray RAIN was just as evidence in the hadith , but the time of prayer RAIN can be done anytime, except when prohibited for prayer. Because prayer RAIN have a long time, but the more afdhal is implemented in the early days as mentioned in the above hadith, because prayer RAIN resembles (almost the same) with Salaah procedures and place.
Disunnahkan things before prayer RAIN
Disunnahkan to the priest to announce the salat RAIN few days earlier, urging people to repent of immorality and distanced themselves from tyranny. Also organize them so fast, give alms, leaving hostilities and multiply good deeds, because it causes drought disobedience and no rain no rain, as adherence to the cause of goodness and blessing that Allah swt will rain from the sky
Sermon Istisqa '
Scholars disagree about the time the sermon on prayer RAIN, Most scholars' opinion and this is a history of Imam Ahmad, that priest preached before prayer RAIN.
But the majority of scholars 'of which is Malik, Shafi'i and Muhammad bin Hasan and also history of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal than another path, that sermon RAIN RAIN implemented after the prayer' and this is the correct opinion, as stated by Ibn Al-Mughni Qudamah preformance by the words of Abu Hurairah in Saheeh hadith,
Abu Huraira said out of Allah bless him and prayed with us derives days rak'ahs without ears do not stay then gave a sermon called on God and on his face toward Mecca with his hands and then the heart of the robe and started right on the left and left to right
From Abu Hurairah, he said, "The Prophet r out on time RAIN then he prayed with us two rak'at without prayer and iqamah then preaching at us and pray to Allah U and turned his face towards the Qiblah, with raised hands and then flip shawl and scarf made right on the left shoulder and left shawl placed in the right shoulder. "(HR. Ibn Majah)
"Prophet prayed two rak'ahs then preach to us."
Prayer-prayer RAIN
Below we shall mention a few prayers in the RAIN accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet:
As the hadith of the past when the then men came to the mosque and the Prophet was delivering the sermon, and then he asked that the Prophet prayed, اللهم أغثنا اللهم أغثنا اللهم أغثنا three times.
As word of the Prophet from Ibn Abbas
Oh Asagna Geetha Moghaitha Mriia according terrible Gdakka sooner is Raút
"O God, give us rain help, refreshing the body and nourish the plants and immediately without delay."
Mentioned in Sahih Bukhari that the Prophet saw when the RAIN he read, اللهم اسقنا اللهم اسقنا اللهم اسقنا "Ya Allah send down rain upon us, O Allah send down rain upon us, O Allah send down rain upon us".
One prayer in RAIN is as narrated by Imam Bukhari
Oh God, Oh God, we have around us and on the hills and mountains and bushes and Alzerab and reared in the valleys and trees
"Ya Allah send down rain around us, not against us. O Allah grant to the rainy highlands, mountains, hillocks and valleys as well as in the growth of the trees. "
In Sunan Abu Dawud mentioned among the prayers were read in the Prophet when RAIN
Oh Asagna Geetha Moghaitha Mriia terrible useful harmless sooner rather than later said they Votbakt sky
"O God, give us rain that helped. Refresh your body and nourish plants, beneficial and not harmful to the immediately without delay. "

        In unlawful for a man to wear clothes made of silk and wearing a ring made of gold in the behavior permilih as used for the bed and so forth, except in circumstances such as hot or cold dzorurot harmful .dihalalkan for women and children in under the age of 7 years of wearing silk and gold cicin.
Legal Haram:
A. No prayer can open the genitalia,
Problems opening genitalia occurs in some human classification: -First; Someone wearing tight pants that form curves (genitalia) then wear short clothes, so when bowing or prostrating clothes exposed, then look back and form the bottom of his private parts because of the tight pants worn and in short clothes.
And with a dress like this means she opened her body, when she was bowing and prostration before Allah, may Allah keep us all from it. The opening of genitalia in a state of prayer can lead to the cancellation of prayer, and this is one of the negative effects of importing clothes from abroad infidels.
Attention also to women, not to pray in a state of partial hair looks, or not closed entirely. Do not also exposed arm or calf. Because according jumhur (majority) that until such scholars, then he should repeat the prayer.
One outfit that is feared to be female genitalia because the opening is very small veil possible if the prayer with no other lid wider will be exposed parts of her hair.
B, Salah thin clothing
Clothing that reveals the limbs, as is done by some people at this time. By deliberately wear it means deliberately showing his private parts which should have closed.
They have tergiring by lust to become a follower of fashion and custom, they have also been drugged by the caller permissiveness that allows humans to be creative and do anything without mengindah the norms and rules of Shari'ah. Once Rasululah n asked by someone about prayer by wearing the clothing (eg, long pants without wearing clothes or wear the robe without wearing pants-ed), so he replied, "Does not each of you find two garments?
It is thus the one praying with nightgown included in this category, because of course he would feel embarrassed when traveling or to market with these pajamas.
And for women, pray with thin clothing affairs heavier than the males.
So do not let the women pray with clothes made from thin or transparent fabrics, because even cover the entire body while still showing skin and body.
C. prayers in a state isbal (men only)
Lots of arguments that explain Haramain isbal, either in prayer or outside prayer. However, many Muslims still less attention to this issue, but there is a history marfu 'from Abu Hurairah that says that God does not accept the prayer of a person who musbil (craned her clothes below the ankle).
This hadith as hasan by al-Nawawi in the book The Gardens of the Righteous and by Ahmad Shakir in ta'liqnya against Al Mahalli. However, based on research, because of the hadeeth is da'eef narrator of tabi'in is majhul (not known). Assume that the hadith is authentic,
so very many Muslims are in danger of performing prayers in a state isbal. Still praying with isbal is an error condition, so even though his prayer is valid, the culprit got sin.
D. Prayer Silk Dress and wear gold cicin
Especially for a banned prayer Peia wear clothes made of silk or clothes that dibordil wear silk yarn, it can be read from hadisdz as below ni
1. Those men silk clothes will not get his share in the Hereafter. (HR. Bukhari)
2. The Prophet forbade us to drink and eat with utensils to eat and drink from gold and silver. He also forbade us dressed in silk and embroidered with silk thread by saying, "That's for the Pagans in the world and for you in the afterlife. (Lynch)
3. The Prophet forbade us to wear clothes of silk, wearing a gold ring and a drink with a commonly used to drink wine (as a pitcher). (HR. An-Nasaa'i)
4. Uqbah bin Amir said, "Awarded brackets silk clothes to the Prophet Muhammad saw. Then he put it on and wear it with prayer. He then turned and tossed it out loud like a man who hated him, then he said, 'This (silk) is not feasible for those who fear Him.' "
5. Especially for women (Muslim) allowed for the use of gold and silver jewelry, and wear silk and embroidered with silk clothes (which are silk), but it is forbidden for men (Muslims).
1. Prayer with tight clothes,
Wearing tight clothes in prayer is makruh dalamtinjauan Shar'ie and not in terms of health. If when you wear it to the level of the daily prayers (for reasons difficult to do this movement and it is), then the law to wear it becomes unlawful.
Long pants (tight, red) was formed genitalia, and the male genitalia is from the knee to the navel.
A praying should as much as possible away from all disobedience when he was prostrate, ie the visible form of the ass because the narrowness of the pants, or even form the nakedness that is between them (pubic). So how do people like this stand before the Lord of all the worlds exciting?
If the pants are loose then used by Shaykh al-Albani is okay, but it is more important is to wear the abaya (long shirt) to cover the knee, or half calf and may be extended to a maximum of the ankle.
2. Roll or fold the sleeves,
Including errors in the prayer closet is rolled or folded sleeves when will shalat.Diriwayatkan from Ibn Abbas, he said, "The Prophet said," I am commanded to prostrate on the direction of the body, do not hold your hair and roll up your clothes. "
3. Prayer with open shoulders,
It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet said, "Do not ever one of you to pray with just one outfit without the slightest cover on his shoulders." (Muslim) .Larangan above shows the prohibited it, not keharamannya . For if someone had closed her body, then his prayer is valid even if not put anything on his shoulders, but this hateful act.
4. Prayers with clothes posing,
Narrated Aisha, he said, when one prays to Allah wear qamishah (robe) that there is a picture, when finished the prayer he said, "Bring this qamishah to Abu Luage bin Khudzaifah and brought me anbijaniyah, because qamishah had been bothering my prayers." Anbijaniyah fabrics are relatively thick and patterned and no pictures or writing (plain fabric).
From Anas Radhiallaahu anha he said, 'A'isha never put a piece of cloth to cover one side wall of his house. N The Prophet then said to him, "Get away from me because he always comes to my eyes when I pray."
5. Prayers with yellow clothes,
Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr reported that the Prophet saw two garments dyed (diwenter) in yellow, then he said, "Verily, those who disbelieve, including clothing, then you do not wear it." From Anas, he said, "Allah forbid someone to dye shirt yellow (Tamamul, such as saffron-red color).
And in the hadith that comes from Ali he said, "The Messenger n prohibit mu'ashfar clothes (which in the dye in yellow)." There was the woman then it is okay to wear these colors.
6. Prayer Without Headgear for Men
When you do so is men then allowed, but not allowed for women, because the head of a woman is nakedness. However mustahabb (recommended) is praying with closed head because of a more perfect and pantas.Syaikh Nasir al-Albanian said, "I think that prayer with an open head is prohibited because it is acceptable if a Muslim enters the mosque to pray with Islamic appearance as much as possible, based on the hadith, "Verily float (neat) in the presence of Allah is more worthy to (do)."
Note that prayer with an open head is prohibited, it is not allowed someone does not want to pray behind men (priests) who do not wear headgear.
Thus some legal dressed in prayer and in everyday human activities, which must be carried out according to the law the law, as a form of obedience to Allah SWT.

Liabilities to Funeral
Liabilities to Funeral
The questions concerned with the bodies of four. The body must be washed, shrouded, prayed and buried.
These four things 'become compulsory' legal for Muslims, when the dead person is a Muslim. When the work was abandoned wound all the Muslims in the state, but if any of those who do so, then all Muslims in the country must let loose of sin.
1. Bathing Corpses
Legal requirements of his bathroom:
• The body of the Muslims (Muslim)
• Not to be bathed
• Although her body was found a little
• The body was not martyred / martyr (died in battle to defend the religion of Allah).
Rukunnya is completely holy water to the whole body. Procedures to be sunnah is to start with mewudhukannya, then start with the right part of his body, and then left his body, mixed with water to wash the leaves Hıdır (thornless), after then repeated so to 3X or 5X or 7X, and at times self Last mixed with camphor. (Sahih Bukhari Hadith no.1196)
The jurists added, was massaging her breasts and belly down, to try to slowly remove the dirt that is stored in the stomach, then cleanse the body and Qubul and anal with a damp cloth, then clean the teeth, menyiwakinya, then mebersihkan nose and ears, and new mewudhukannya , then gave her a bath. Sunnah using fragrances in mayyit when finished bathed before shrouded.
For those who bathe, there is no specific requirement, may even be bathed by children under the age of adulthood, even described by Imam Arramly allowed bathed by Jin was legitimate, but disunnahkan are kin, and bathing the corpse of Muslim law is fard kifayah
At least the shower to remove the obligation is to all, evenly distributed throughout the body, having removed any droppings on his body. We suggest that the body was placed in a high place, like the hall, in a quiet place, with no one inside that place, but the people who bathe and those who help care needs related to the bathroom.
Her clothes were replaced with basahan fabric (cloth bath), for the bath cloths should sarong, so that nakedness is not easy to open. After laid over the place, then settles down and propped his back to something, then swept her belly with hands and emphasized a little, so that the dirt out.
The act shall be followed by the sweet-scented water and to remove the smell of shit that comes out. After that, the bodies dilentangkan then dicebokkan with his left hand gloved hands after cebok, gloves should be replaced with clean, then put their fingers in the left hand to her mouth, digosak cleaned his teeth and mouth, and diwu'dhukan.
Then washed the head, beard and combed his hair and beard slowly. Hair pulled back when mengkafankannya be mixed. Then washed his right hand, then lie on his left side and right side of his body washed again and then laid his right hand and left hand wash. All regulations that are calculated once. AFTER three or five times.
These bodies of water bath of cold water on the contrary, unless the hunger for hot water because it is very cold or because of difficulty removing dirt. Both also use soap or so, and wash it. The final wash water (flushing), either mixed with little or fragrant camphor-haruman other.
Of Ummi Athiyah: The Prophet was signed to our children when we bathe her daughter, so she said: Bathe her three times or five times or more if you wish more of it with water and the leaves, and the final wash should be added with camphor, start by you with the right side of the body and its members ablution. (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
The right to bathe the corpse.
If the body was a man shall bathe men, not women bathe the body of a man, his wife and mahramnya exception. Conversely, if the female body was bathed by women; can not bathe the bodies of men and women with the exception of a husband or a Mahram. If husband and mahramnya equally there are more deserving bathe her husband. Similarly, if a wife and mahramnya equally present, then the wife is entitled to bathe her husband.
When a woman died, and there was no woman, husband or mahram, then the corpse shall ditayammumkan only, not washed by other men. Vice versa if the men who died. If the bodies of boys or girls then be washed by men and women.
If there are some people who are entitled to bathe, then who is more entitled to the immediate family of the deceased. If he knows obligation bath and reliable, if not moved and the right to further the knowledge and trust (trusted).
Aisha said that the Prophet Muhammad: "Whoever bathing the corpse and kept faith, not opened to others what is seen on the body, it bersihlah of his sins, as it did when born. He said, should be a mengimaminya is the immediate family of the deceased if clever bathe the corpse, if it is not good then anyone who is deemed eligible for trust. "(Narrated by Ahmad)
2. enshrouded dead body.
Enshrouded law (wrap) the bodies it is "obligatory kifayah" on a living person. Shroud was taken from the bodies own property, if he leaves the property, if he did not leave the property, then the shroud of persons required to expense when they are alive. If you are required to provide such expenses nor able, to be drawn from the treasury, if the treasury and governed by the laws of Islam. If the treasury does not exist or is not regular, then it is obligatory upon the Muslims who can afford it. Similarly, other expenses concerned with the needs of the bodies.
For men
Shroud of at least one layer of fabric that covers all corporate bodies, both male and female bodies. We recommend you to man three layers of fabric, each layer of which cover the entire body. Some scholars argue, one of the three layers, shall izar (cloth bath), two coats to cover all of her body.
How to use it:
Spread out a-piece and sprinkled on top of each layer is fragrant camphor-like fragrance and so on. Both hands placed on the chest. Right hand over the left hand, and both hands can also be straightened by side (ribs). Aisha: "The Prophet shrouded with three layers of clean white cloth made of cotton there is no built-shirt nor a turban." (Agreed night)
For Women
The women then you should shrouded corpse with five pieces, namely basahan (wet cloth), clothes, head, mukena and the cloth that covered the entire body.
How to use it:
Used basahan fabric, clothing, headgear, then kekudung, then put in a cloth that covers the entire body. In the last couple of layers of fabric should be fragrant-haruman like mothballs.
Qanif daughter of Laila, he said: "I am one of those who bathe Umm Kulthum bint when the death of the Prophet Muhammad. The first was given to us as if the Prophet was wet cloth, then clothes. Then cover the head, then kekudung and after it is put in another fabric (which cover all of her body). "Laila said," As the prophet standing in the middle of the door leading to it and give it to us piece by piece. "(Narrated by Ahmad and Abu Dawood) .
Aside from that, those who die while on the pilgrimage of hajj or umrah, non-fragrant-scented and do not close the head.
From Ibn Abbas, he said - "When a man had been staying pilgrimage together the Prophet in Arafah suddenly the man fell off his bike and died. And it was the incident to the Prophet. He said: Bathe it with water and the leaves and kafankanlah it with two ihram cloth. Do you give him harum- fragrance and do not shut down his head, then Allah will raise him up later in the afterlife as it did during the pilgrimage ".
Apostle of Allah said: "Wear your white cloth yourselves, because the white cloth is preferably fabric, and shroud your dead body with a white cloth." (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi).
Application improve Shroud.
Jabir of Rasulullah SAW said, "When one of you enshrouded his brother, his winding it should be repaired." (Reported by Muslim)
Shroud good intentions, a good character and a good way to wear them, and going from good ingredients. Its properties are described white cloth. Similarly, a good way to wear them. As well as concerned with the basic fabric, is not to exaggerate the base fabric has a costly price.
Ali Abi Talib said of the Prophet Muhammad, do not choose fabric over- expensive for the shroud, the shroud because they will be destroyed immediately. "(Narrated by Abu Dawood).
3. PRAYER corpse
Funeral prayer is one of the things that must be done on people who live and become compulsory and sunnah prayer in congregation as the words of the Prophet Muhammad: "It is between a Muslim who dies then pray to him 40 men who do not associate God with nothing but her disyafaatkan God "(Narrated by Muslim).
If the prayer with the priest just one person, then that person is not fit to stand beside the priest parallel as well as in other prayers, but he was standing behind the priest. (From here you know the mistake a lot of people even educated people are the other usual prayers if only both then that ma'mum retreated slightly from a position parallel to the priest).
Which is not obligatory to be prayed (but can):
• Children who have not reached puberty [Can be prayed even born because of miscarriage, which is a fall from the womb before the age perfectly content. If his age in his mother's womb to four months. If you have fallen four months then it is not be prayed].
• People who are martyred
Menshalati rule:
• Those who died were killed in huhud of implementation of the law of God
• People who are sinning and doing illegal things. Ahl-ul-ilmi people and Ahlul desired menshalati not be a lesson for those who like it
• The person who owes who do not leave anything behind that could cover its debts, then the people who like this be prayed
• People who are buried before be prayed (or some people already menshalati menshalati while others have not) then they can menshalati in his grave.
• People who die in a place where no one menshalati there, then a group of Muslims menshalatinya with divine prayer. [Because not all die be prayed with prayer divine]
Funeral prayer manners:
• More afdhal if the funeral prayer outside the mosque, which is in a place that was prepared for the funeral prayer, and may also be in the mosque because it was once practiced by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
• If kebetulkan lot of bodies made up of the bodies of men and women bodies, then their prayers be prayed once. The bodies of men (though still a child) is placed closer to the priest, while the woman's body in the direction of Qibla, or may also be prayed one by one, because this is the original law.
• Leaders or representatives of the people have more right to be a priest in prayer, if they did not exist then lead to faster is better reading / memorizing Qur'an her, then the next tersebutkan in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
• The priest stands in the position of head of the bodies of men and in the middle position of the bodies of women.
• If the priest praying with just one person, then that person is not fit to stand beside the priest parallel as well as in other prayers, but he was standing behind the priest. [From here you know the mistake a lot of people even educated people are the other usual prayers if only both then that ma'mum retreated slightly from a position parallel to the priest]
• Preferably make rows / lines behind the priest three rows up and the minimum number tersebutkan congregation in prayer implementation bodies were three people and also more number of pilgrims over afdhal for mayyit.
• Reading in the funeral prayer in character sir [plan].
• The person who owes who do not leave anything behind that could cover its debts, then the people who like this be prayed
• People who are buried before be prayed (or some people already menshalati menshalati while others have not) then they can menshalati in his grave.
• People who die in a place where no one menshalati there, then a group of Muslims menshalatinya with divine prayer. [Because not all die be prayed with prayer divine]
• There should not be prayer at times forbidden, except for emergencies. [Times forbidden; sunrise, when the sun fitting mid and when setting]
• funeral prayers were performed with bowing, prostrating and iqamah, but in a standing position since takbiratul ihram until greetings. Here is the sequence:
1. Intend, this prayer intentions, as well as other prayers is quite pronounced in the liver and does not need to be pronounced, there is no history of stating the necessity to pronounce intentions.
2. Takbiratul first Ihram then read surah Al-Fatihah
3. Takbiratul second Ihram then read blessings on the Prophet minimal: "O Allah! 'Alaa Muhammad" meaning: "Yaa Allah grant blessings on Muhammad"
4. Takbiratul third Ihram then read prayers for the deceased minimal: "Allahhummaghfir lahoo warhamhu wa'aafihi wa'fu anhu" which means: "O Allah forgive him, have mercy, peace and pardon him" .When the corpse be prayed The woman, then readings Lahu replaced with Lahana. If the body much then reading Lahu replaced with Lahum.
5. Takbir keempat kemudian membaca Abu nawas minimal: "Allahumma Video tahrimnaa ajrahu Wala taftinna ba'dahu waghfirlanaa walahu." Yang artinya: "Yaa Allah, janganlah kiranya pahalanya tidak sampai kepadanya atau janganlah Engku meluputkan download on pahalanya janganlah Engku memberi Century Oppression sepeninggalnya, serta ampunilah unhealthy bodies. "atau Berdoa dengar Doa yang Sah hundred Nabi Shallallahu 'r, seperti:" Alahumma abduka wabna amatika ahyaaja ilaa rahmatika limiting ghaniyyi adzabihi in Farid you muhsinan fii hasanaatihi saayyian fatajawaja sayyiatihi "Artinya:" O Allah, Today adalah Call Us, We anak Call-ia memerlukan Ata-Us, Engku berkuasa forecast tidak menyiksanya, water ia baik you tambahlah kebaikannya, water ia jahat you maafkanlah kejahatannya "
6. Wishes greetings
If there are family or other Muslims who died at a distance so that the body can not be presented, it can be carried out on the remains of the supernatural prayer. Implementation bodies similar to prayer, the difference is only in prayer intentions. Supernatural prayer intentions: "Ushalli 'alaa mayyiti (Fulanin) al ghaaibi arba'a takbiraatin fardlal kifaayati lillahi ta'alaa" Meaning: "I supernatural prayer intentions on corpses (fulanin) four Takbir fard kifayah as (congregation / priest) because God" "
fulanin word is replaced with the name of the dead bodies be prayed.
4. Burial & Cremation
Manners burying:
• Mandatory bury deceased, though the unbelievers.
• Can not bury a Muslim and a Kafir, and vice versa, should dipekuburan respectively.
• According to the Sunnah of the Prophet, buried in the burial place, except those who were martyred they buried their locations are not transferred to the burial autumn. [This download objections to some people who bequeathed so buried in the mosque or in a special cemetery or other place that actually can not be in the Shariah of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala]
• Not to be buried at times forbidden [See Section XII No 27] or at night, except for in emergencies, though by way of using lights and down in the pit to facilitate the implementation of burial.
• Mandatory deepen the pit, expand and improve.
• Structuring the grave where the body there are two possible ways:
[A] Lahad: perforate the pit to the direction (this is possible).
[B] Syaq: punching holes down in the middle of the pit.
• In emergency conditions may be buried in a hole two or more dead bodies, and the
higher priority is more possible between them.
• What is the body of men (though her body was female).
• The friends of the deceased is entitled to do.
• Can a husband and wife work on his own burial.
• Required for burying woman; The night did not fuck his wife.
• According to the Sunnah: put the bodies from behind the pit.
• Placing the corpse on his right side, facing the Qiblah face, head and legs back, to the right and left direction.
• People who are laid in the tomb reads: "Bismillah wa'alaa sunnati rasuulillahi sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam" -meaning:' (I put) by the name of Allah and the Sunnah according to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam "or" Bismillah wa' alaa Millat Rosulillahi sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam "- means:" (I put) by the name of Allah and according milla (religion) of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam ".
• After storing the grave disunahkan things as follows:
a. Raise grave about an inch from the ground, not flattened, so to be recognized and preserved and not degraded.
b. Elevating only the aforementioned limits.
c. Cue with stones or other stones to be identified.
d. Standing at the grave while praying and ordered to present to pray and ask forgiveness as well. (This is the Sunnah of Rasul tersebutkan in sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, as talqin is mostly done by ordinary people at this age then there is no argument that foundation in the sunnah).
• Can sit at the funeral with the intent to warn those who will be present as well as natural death after death. [Hadith Al-Barra bin 'Aazib]
• Digging graves in preparation for death, which is done by some people is an act which is not recommended in the Shari'ah, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam never do that, the companions beliaupun not do it. A servant does not know where he was going to die. If he did it with a pretext in order to get ready to die or to remember the death then it can be done by multiplying the pious practice, a pilgrimage to the grave, not by doing things that are only constrained by the [Copied from the book Muhtasar Book Ahkaamul Janaaiz wa Bid'auha, works of Shaykh Muhammad Nasir Al-Albany, summarized by Shaikh Ali Hasan Ali Abdul Hamid and translated by Muhammad Dahri Komaruddin]
Some scholars argue that bury the bodies at night it is tantamount to burying during the day.
Messenger bury a man who always sat with him at night. Syaidina Syaidatina Fatimah Ali also buried at night. Abu Bakr, Uthman, Aisha and Ibn Masud Syaidatina also buried at night.
Nevertheless buried at night it is permissible if the rights associated with the corpse was perfectly done. If things like this are not met then the act is prohibited.
In a hadith narrated by Muslim states that on one day prophets have given information to the public and call about a man whose best friend died last shrouded shroud inadequate and buried at night. Prophet has denounced the practice of burying at night unless someone had to do it. Similarly, evidence of another hadith narrated by Ibn Majah from Jabir.
In another hadith narrated by Ahmad, Muslim and Sunan as-sahibus of Uqbah said, there are three periods in which the prophet prevent our bodies mensholatkan, the exact time when the sunrise, midday when appropriate and when it is almost sunset to sunset.
However, if the situation warranted, as is feared dead bodies rot, then bury the bodies at that time can be done intentionally without reason emergency as described, the law is prohibited.
It should be mentioned that in this funeral, everyone must ensure that the bodies were buried, it can not be dug up by wild animals. Because the graves to be dug in along the smell of corpses could not be smelled by humans as well as animals including birds.
In a hadith narrated by Rosi from Hisham ibn Amir, also by Tirmidhi said: We have complained to the Prophet during the battle of Uhud. "O Allah, it is difficult for us to dig graves for each corpse. ''
Hearing those words, the Prophet said: Dig you all, deepen and cured, bury two or three bodies in one grave.
They ask: Who are we to heed the Messenger of Allah? He said: first of many memorized the Quran. Father was included in one of those buried in a tomb containing three bodies.
In a hadith narrated by Ibn Abi Shaybah and Ibn Mundhir from 'Umar that he advised: Dig the grave is as high as when the bodies upright and wide body.
One other thing that we also need to understand is about the shape of the pit itself. There is a tomb cut a hole in the side of the grave given the direction of Mecca. On it is placed boards makes the shape as if the house roof. Another form called maraq, the pores are made in the middle of the tomb.
Regarding how to enter the bodies in the grave, shall be carried on the back, that is if it does not have a problem. If faced with a problem to do so, then it can be inserted anywhere.
Narrated by Abu Dawood, Ibn Abi Shaybah and Bayhaqi from Abdullah bin Aid evidence, that he put the bodies in the graves of the two legs, he said: It is Sunnah.
According to Ibn Hazim, put the bodies in the grave it can be done from any part, together with the Qiblah or vice versa, or from the direction of the head, or from the leg, because no one unequivocal evidence thereon.
According to the Sunnah, the bodies must be laid in a tomb on the right side with his face towards the Qibla. Those who do so should be read Bismillah wa'ala rasulillah Millat (with the name of God and religion teachers (sunnah) of the Prophet. The rope that bound the corpse shall be described.
According to a hadith received from Ibn Umar said: That the prophet when laid in the grave, he would say: Bismillah wa'ala Millat prophet or wa'ala sunnati rasulillah.
Most narrator considers makruh put cloth, blankets and so on to the bodies in graves. According to Ibn Hazim not mislay stretch fabric under the bodies, based on a hadith narrated by Muslim, from Ibn Abbas, he said: At the tomb of the Prophet were overlaid red carpet. He said: And God has allowed this act in a funeral for a man who is infallible Prophet and not prevent it. Done by human choice is consensus on earth, with nobody to oppose it.
Some scholars consider circumcision corpse lay your head on a pillow made of clay, stone or common land in the state reached his right cheek on the pillow soil, etc. after the shroud removed from his cheek. Syaidina 'Umar used to say: Assuming you lose my corpse to the grave later, paste my cheek to the ground.
It is true that the practice will control bodies and will provide, to those who can take ikhtibarnya.
And Allaah 'nature bishowab
In language, zakat means grow. By law, zakat is the term for a special treasure taken from a particular property based on certain considerations and distributed only to certain parties.
Five Property Type Compulsory Zakat
Zakat is obliged to five (5) types of property of a Muslim: (i) farm animals, (ii) Valuables, the intention is gold and silver, (iii) plants, (iv) Grains, and (v) Goods trade. About to five types of such property will we detailkan later.
As for livestock, then the zakat obligatory upon three (3) types of animals, namely: (i) the Camel, (ii) Cow / Buffalo, and (Goat). Thus, there is no obligation of zakat on horses, slaves, and animals with the result of a cross between a goat antelope, for example.
Mandatory requirements Zakat
There are 6 (six) points requirements, namely:
Islam, it is not obligatory zakat native infidels (kafir native is a person who is born as infidels because his parents unbelievers and never converted to Islam). The apostates, then that terbenar of various views of scholars is his property mauquf (confiscated by the Islamic government -pent). If he returns to Islam, the zakat obligatory upon it, if he remains in apostasy, then there is no obligation whatsoever upon it.
Independent, then Zakat is not required on a slave. As someone who has two status simultaneously, namely free and slave, then zakat is obliged to independent status of his property.
Owned perfect, that is owned in full. Thus, the ownership of which is not perfect is not obligatory zakat, such as a person who buys goods, but he has not received the goods. This is in line with its qadim qaul Imam Syafi'iy. But his jadid qaul Imam Syafi'iy states remain compulsory charity although he received the item yet. (Qaul Jadid or new words, the intention is all the views and the fatwa of Imam Syafi'iy raised since he lived in Egypt until his death -pent).
Nishab and Haul. If someone has something treasure, but has not reached the number nishab or not up to one year (12 months), then there is no zakat.
Padang free. This particular farm animals. The point is that livestock grazing in the field or in the forest free no charge in the case. Farm animals so that there is an obligation of zakat. So, if there are cattle fattened in his cage in most of the time during the year, then there is no zakat. But if grounded for 6 months or less slightly and grazed for 6 months, then it's okay if he fulfill zakat or not pay.
Valuables, the intention is gold and silver, we will detail later. The mandatory requirement of zakat of gold and silver have 5 points, namely:
Owned perfect
About this, will we detailkan later.
As for the plants, then the question is grains such as wheat, fennel, and rice. Likewise, such as barley and green beans.
Zakat is obligatory on the plant, must meet three conditions, namely:
Planted by humans, so if it grows by itself, as carried by water or wind and it grows in the land, then there is no zakat.
In the form of grains which can be stored longer. Thus, the plants are not grains and can not be stored, not obligatory zakat.
Reach nishab, which is 5 (five) wasaq (include zakat) and is clean and ready to consume. In some texts mentioned: Should reach 5 wasaq excluding zakat.
As for fruits, then he is obliged to charity over the two types of fruit, namely: (i) the date palm and grapes. Terms obligatory zakat on fruits there are four (4) points are:
Owned perfect
So, whenever fruits do not meet one of the four conditions above, it is not obligatory zakat.
As for the merchandise, then zakat obligation is determined based on the requirements that apply to the charity valuables (gold and silver) as we have mentioned earlier. And the intention is to utilize the wealth of trade, capital rotate with the aim of gaining profit.
Nishab Camel
Early nishab camel is 5 tails, zakat dha'n goat (goat who have dense fur / sheep -pent) aged one year and enter the second year or two-year-old goat and enter the third year.
10 camels, zakat two goats
15 camels, goats hoarded 3
20 camels, goats hoarded 4
25 camels, hoarded 1 bintu makhadh
36 camels, hoarded 1 bintu labun
46 camels, hoarded 1 hiqqah
61 camels, hoarded 1 jadza'ah
76 camels, hoarded 2 bintu labun
91 camels, hoarded 2 hiqqah
121 camels, hoarded 3 bintu labun
And so on.
This was palpable, no longer need to be an explanation.
Bintu makhadh is 1-year-old camel and into the second year.
Bintu labun is a 2-year-old camel and entered the third year.
Hiqqah is a 3-year-old camel and entered the fourth year
Jadza'ah is a 4-year-old camel and entered the fifth year.
And at every multiple of 40 head, after 121, zakat 1 tail bintu labun
And any multiple of 50, after 121, zakat 1 hiqqah. So, if the camel 140, zakat 2 hiqqah and 1 bintu labun, and if camels 150, zakat 3 hiqqah. Similarly.
Nishab Cow / Buffalo
Early nishab cow is 30 individuals, then he is obliged to charity. In some texts, mentioned zakat 1 tabi ', namely cattle (male) aged 1 year and second year. Called tabi 'because at that age she still go wherever the mother goes. However, if he is to fulfill zakat 1 tail tabi'ah (female), legitimate.
40 head of cattle, zakat 1 Musannah, which is 2 years old and into year 3. Called Musannah because at this age, teeth are complete. However, if he is to fulfill zakat 2 tail tabi '(male) then valid, according to terbenar view from the view of scholars.
120 head of cattle, zakat 3 Musannah tail (females) or 4 tail tabi'ah (female).
Nishab Goats
Early nishab for goat is 40 fish, either dha'n (goats which have dense fur / sheep -pent). Zakatnya 1 jadza'ah tail sheep (age 6 months) or normal goat 1 year old.
121 goats, sheep hoarded 2
201 goats, sheep hoarded 3
400 goats, sheep hoarded 4
And any multiple of 100, zakat 1 goats. It's so obvious and requires no further explanation.
If two owners Mixed In Grazing
If two people united in a total of 80 goats, cattle, each of 40 fish, then zakat 1 tail. If two people united in a farm of 40 goats, 20 chickens each, then zakat 1 goats. Or number is not the same, as two people who associate within 60 goats, one person has a third (20 fish) and a longer have the two-thirds (40 fish). Or the same amount on each of the two men, as 200 goats, each of which has 100 individuals. All of them, zakat is judged as a whole.
Terms in this union there were seven, namely:
Angry waidah. One pasture land
Give mandate. The place to stay when in the evening
Ra'iy wahidan. Pastored by one person and one type of animal.
Fihl wahidan. One type of animal. If the variety, such as the sheep and goats nut, then may be respectively.
Syarab wahidan. One place to drink, both wells, rivers, or lakes or the other.
Haalib wahidan. One in milk milker. And this is one of two views of scholars. Which terbenarnya is no requirement to be one in milking the milk.
Maudhi'ul Halab. (Difatahkan lam). And a container / a dairy cow. Imam Nawawi menghikayatkan that halb (with disukunkan lam) means is the name for the milk that has been milked. Other scholars also explain the same thing with the Imam Namawy.
Nishab Valuables
Nishab for gold is 20 mitsqal, with standard mitsqal residents of Mecca. Zakah is a quarter that is equal to half mitsqal. And if the amount is more than 20 mitsqal, albeit slightly, then zakat is also a quarter (2.5%). (Conversion 20 mitsqal / 20 dinars with the current standard is 85 grams of pure gold (24K / 99% -pent).
And nishab for silver is 200 dirhams, zakat 2.5%, which is equal to 5 dirhams. If more than 200 dinars, albeit slightly, the same calculation method, which is 2.5% of it. There is no obligation of zakat on maghsyusy, both gold and silver, if not to reach nishab (Maghsyusy means gold or silver that is not purely -pent). And not compulsory zakat on jewelry is allowed. The jewelry that is forbidden, such as gold in men and the gender double, then there is zakat.
Nishab Plants and Seeds
Nishab for plants and seeds are 5 wasaq. Five wasaq equal to 1600 retail Iraq or Baghdad. If there are more than 5 wasaq the calculations are in accordance with it. And retail of Baghdad, according to Imam Nawawi, is equal to 128 dirhams and 4 saba '. Plants and seeds it is if watered with rain water and river water, then zakat is one-tenth (10%). And if irrigation using animals, to transport water from rivers or wells, either cow or camel, then zakat is 5%. (5 wasaq in standard conversion pounds is 900 kg or 9 quintals, for 5 wasaq equal to 300 sha ', while one sha equal to 3 kg -pent).
Nishab Merchandise, Mineral, and Rikaz
And merchandise must be calculated at the end of the year (haul), both reached nishab or not. So, if it turns out at the end of the year, reached nishab, he must Zakat, and if it does not then there is Zakat nishab. Zakat is 2.5% of it.
And Ma'aadin / minerals / mining are explored from the earth, either in the form of gold or silver, if reached nishab, then zakat is 2.5% of the time he obtained if the person doing the exploration is included obligatory zakat ( the intention is Muslim -pent).
Ma'aadin is the plural of ma'dan, which means the place or vacant land or land owned by a person whom God created possessions or valuables to him.
The entrenchment, the treasures pagans of ancient times, the situation as the situation of the Arabs before the advent of Islam, such as do not know God, His Messenger, and various tenets of Islam, then cut the obligation of Zakat, which is one-fifth (20% ) and channeled to 8 ashnaf, according to popular opinion among the scholars. Some other scholars looking channeled to mustahiq fai ', as mentioned in the paragraph about fai'.
Zakat fithrah
And zakat or charity fithrah fithri -fithrah means the origin of creation human- obliged with three things in Islam. Thus, it is not obligatory upon infidels fithrah ashliy, except slaves and Muslim relatives. Accomplished since the sinking of the sun at the end of Ramadan. So, in this situation, ditunaikanlah charity fithrah although the people who died after maghribnya. However, babies born after sunset at the end of Ramadan, not obligatory zakat. And there is a condition of excess residual fithrah charity. The rest of the excess means the rest of the personal and family needs as well as those who were required to nafkahi to the size of one day and one night Eid fithri.
Zakat fithrah cashed upon himself and the people in his charge, provided the Muslims. So, a Muslim is not obliged to pay zakat, slaves, relatives, and his wife who disbelieve, even if they are compulsory dinafkahinya.
If someone has already set mandatory fithrah regular charity, then they pay it by 1 sha 'a staple food areas. If in the area there are a variety of staple food, then use the most consumed by the public. If someone living in remote areas that do not exist in the form of staple food grains, then hoarded in the form of grains staple food area closest to the area where he lived.
If someone has a staple food, as the rest of the day and night Eid fithri needs, but not until one sha 'and only partially, then the full proof of it even though it was not until 1 sha'. One sha 'is equal to 5.35 retail Iraq. (If converted to the size of the kilogram is equal to 2.5 or 3 kg -pent).
Mustahiq Zaka
Zakat is given to mustahiqnya totaling 8 ashnaf (group), as Allah mentioned in the Noble Qur'an. Allah says: And lo-obligatory alms are only for the poor, poor, Amil, convert, FII Riqab, gharim, FII sabilillah, and Ibn sabil; As an obligation from Allah, and Allah is Knowing, Wise. (Surat At-Tawbah: 60).
This detail is so clear that I need not explain further, except ashnaf only:
Fakir, the topic of charity, is it means people who have no wealth at all and had no income to pay for the necessities of life. As for the indigent in general are people who do not have the money in hand.
Poor are those who have some property or income to finance their needs, but not enough. For example, a person who requires daily living costs 10 dirhams, but he only has 7 dirhams. So, which is categorized as poor.
Amil is people who are appointed by the Imam (Khalifah or manager) to attract zakat and distributes to the mustahiq.
Convert, there are four categories, which are people who are new to Islam, his Islam spirit is still weak. So, he was given alms. As for the other three types of converts we have already mentioned in Al-Mabsuthat.
FII Riqab are slaves who were entered into an agreement with his master to gain independence, correctly. As if the deal is not right / wrong, it did not deserve to charity.
Gharim, it there are 3 types: (i) A person who is indebted to dampen defamation between two groups of Muslims about someone who was killed but not yet known who was responsible. He owes this end, he was given zakat from gharim rights. As for the other two types gharim we have already mentioned in Al-Mabsuthat.
Fie sabilillah, then the intention is war, where he fought for his own desires, and not including those who bear necessities of life.
Ibn sabil, then the point is people who want to travel from areas where zakat is taken or he was traveling in his country. And provided an Ibn sabil obtain zakat is (i) require, (ii) safarnya not a sin to God.
And also, alms given to people who belong to one of these ashnaf, though not entirely ashnaf 8. Because, sometimes partially ashnaf not exist. If all ashnaf not exist, then Zakat is obligatory mustahiq kept up there in the future.
And may not distribute Zakat only to persons less than 3 people on each type mustahiq, except Amil. Because, Amil can only be alone, if it turns out is enough. And if zakat is only extended to 2 people in every type ashnafnya, then the third person owed.
There are five classes of illicit receive zakat, namely: (i) The rich, either because of his property or his work, (ii) Slaves, (iii) the Banu Hashim, (iv) the Banu Muttalib, both barred from receiving one-fifth of the khums right or not, and only allowed to take from the treasure Sadaqah, based on the famous opinion of the scholars. (V) The disbelievers. Unbelievers are not entitled to a charity. And on the part of the text is also mentioned, and those who are in a dependent pezakat, then he receives alms unlawful by reason of their indigent or poor, but may be given zakat if they go to war (jihad) or including gharim. ***
Kitabul akhkamissiyami
Fasting is to refrain from eating, drinking and sexual intercourse from dawn until sundown second. Word of Allah, the Exalted: "... and eat and drink until the white thread from a black thread of the dawn. Then complete your fast till the (coming) night .... "(Al-Baqarah: 187)
When and how fast of Ramadan are required?
Fasting Ramadan shall be done after the sighting of the new moon, or after the month of Sha'ban even 30 days. Ramadan Fasting must be done when the new moon of Ramadan witnessed the beginning of a person whom, while other early months determined by the testimony of two people who believed.
Who is obligatory fasting of Ramadan?
Ramadan fasting is obligatory upon every Muslim who puberty (adults), Aqeel (understanding), and are willing to fast. The conditions there are four obligatory fasting of Ramadan, Islam, sensible, mature and capable. The scholars said the little boy was told to fast if strong, this is to practice it, as told to prayer at age 7 and was beaten at the age of 10 years for trained and familiar.
Provided the validity of fasting
The conditions of validity of fasting, there are six:
Islam: void fasting pagans before converting to Islam.
Intellect: void fasting person until returning crazy thought.
Tamyiz: invalid fasting little child before it can distinguish (a balk with the bad).
No menstruation: void fasting menstruating women, before stopping of menstruation.
Not childbirth: void fasting postpartum women, before the holy of childbirth.
Intent: from night to resort to any day of fasting obligatory. It is based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "Whoever does not intend to fast before dawn at night, then his fast is not valid." (HR.Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, An-Nasaa'i and At-Tirmidhi. It is a hadith mauquf by At-Tirmidhi). And it has been shown not valid unless accompanied by the intention of fasting since the night in one of the night. The intention was to place in the liver, and melafazdkannya is heresy heretic, even though humans think of it as a good deed. Liabilities since the intention is only a special night for the obligatory fast, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam never came to Aisha in addition to the month of Ramadan, then he said (which means): "Do you have a fine day? So if no I will fast "[Hadith Reported by Muslim 1154].
Sunni Fasting
Sunnah fasting, there are six:
Mengakhirkan dawn until late at night, do not worry about during the break of dawn.
Soon iftar when really sunset.
Multiply good deeds, especially care for the five daily prayers on time in congregation, give charity property to those who are eligible, reproduce circumcision prayer, charity, reading the Qur'an and other charities.
If reviled, so to say: "I am fasting," and do not reply to mock those who mocked him, cursing people who scold, punish those who do evil to him; but it was all to the good reply in order to get a reward and avoid sin.
Pray when breaking as desired. As read the prayer: "O Allah only for you I beupuasa, with luck your grace I break the fast. Glory be to thee, and praise be to You. O Allah, accept amalku, verily thou the Hearing, the Knowing "
Break the fast with fresh dates, if you do not have it with dried dates, and if it does not have enough water.
Legal persons who are not fasting for Ramadan
Allowed not to fast during Ramadan for four groups:
Sick people and dangerous for him if fasting and people traveling that can shorten the prayer for him. Not fasting for them both is possible, but must make up the fasts. But if they fast so fast they are legitimate (reward). Word of Allah Ta'ala: "... 'And whosoever of you is ill or on a journey, (let him fast), the prescribed period (Should be made up) by days that left it on other days .... "(Al-Baqarah: 184). That is, if the sick and those traveling, it is not mandatory mengqadha fasting (replace) some day it left the other day after Ramadan.
Menstruating women and women after childbirth: they are not obliged to fast and mengqadha. If fasting is not valid fast. Radhiallahu Aisha 'anha said: "If we are menstruating, then ordered to mengqadha fasting and prayer menggadha not commanded." (Hadith Muttafaq' Alaih).
Pregnant women and lactating women, if worried about the health of their children should not have to fast and making up and feed a poor person for each day of the deceased. If they fasted then his fast valid. As if it is concerned for the health of themselves, then they should not fast and have to gadha alone. As stated by Ibn Abbas as narrated o! Er Abu Dawud. See the book Ar Raudhul Murbi ', 1/124.
People who are not strong or fast as the old hospital that there was no hope of recovery. Therefor can not fast and feed a poor person for each day missed. So says Ibn Abbas narrated by Al-Bukhari. See Tafsir Ibn Kathir, 1/215. While the amount of food given was a mud (handgrip) of wheat, or a sha '(+ 3 kg) of other foodstuffs. See the book 'Umdatul Fiqh, by Ibn Qudamah, him. 28.
Legal jima 'during the daytime in Ramadan
Prohibited conduct jima '(intercourse) during the day in Ramadan. And who should transgress in-qadha and pay kaffarah mughallazhah (fines) are freed slave. If you do not get, then fast for two consecutive months; if not able then to feed 60 poor people; and if no then she is free from that kind. Word of Allah Ta'ala: "Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope ..." (Al-Baqarah: 285). See the book majalis Syahri Ramadhan, p. 102-108.
Things that invalidate the fast
Eating and drinking purpose. If done because it is not canceled his fast forgotten.
Jima '(intercourse).
Put food into the stomach. Included in this is the filling injections and blood transfusions.
Issued seminal awake because masturbation, touching, kissing or other causes intentionally. The seminal out because dreams do not invalidate the fast because keluamya accidentally.
Keluamya blood of menstruation and childbirth. While a woman finds menstrual blood, or childbirth batallah fast, either in the morning or late afternoon before sunset.
Intentionally vomiting, by issuing food or drink from the stomach through the mouth. It is based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam: "Those who throw up accidentally then not required qadha, being whoever vomits deliberately then it must qadha." (HR. Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah and At-Tirmidhi). In another wording stated: "Whoever vomiting accidentally, then he is not (mandatory) to replace his fast." Narrated by al-Harbi in Gharibul Hadith (5/55/1) from Abu Hurayrah in maudu 'and classed as saheeh by al-Albani in Silsilatul ahadith Ash-Shahihah No. 923.
Apostates of Islam may Allah protect us from it. This act eliminates all his good deeds. Word of Allah Ta'ala: "If they associate with Him, nothing of their practice they have done." (QS. Al-An'am: 88).
Not canceled fasting person doing something that invalidate the fast because not know, forget or forced. Similarly, if the throat intruding dust, flies, or water accidentally. If the puerperal women have perfectly holy before forty days, then he should bathe, pray and fast.
Liabilities fasting person
People who are fast, others also, shall refrain from any act of lying, backbiting (mention evil of others), namimah (face-sheep), Curse (mendo'akan people kept away from the grace of God) and berate. Let him keep his ears, eyes, tongue and belly of the word haram, haram vision, hearing haram, forbidden to eat and drink.
Fasting is circumcised
Sunnah fasting six days in Shawwal, the third day of each month (which afdhal ie December 13, 14 and 15; called fasting al-biidh), Monday and Thursday, the first 9 days of Dhul-Hijjah (emphasizing the 9th, the day Arafah), the 'Ashura (10th of Muharram) a day before or after it is added to follow in the footsteps of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam and his companions were noble and menyelisihi the Jews.
A. Definition Meaning / Definition of Hajj
The Hajj is obligatory worship performed by Muslims who are able or empowered to effect both economically, physically, psychologically, security, permissions and so forth. Hajj is a pilgrimage that goes in the pillars of Islam five pillars of Islam to which performed at least once in a lifetime.
B. Conditions Valid Haji
1. Religious
2. Adult / adolescent (not mumayyis)
3. Not crazy / insane
4. Not slave (independent)
C. Requirements Mandatory Muslim Hajj
1. Muslim (Not infidels / apostates)
2. Puberty / adult
3. Recover / understanding
4. Independent (non-slave)
5. Able to perform Hajj
Conditions "Capable" in Hajj
1. Physically and mentally healthy is not in a state of elderly, ill, disabled, seriously ill contagious, crazy, severe stress, and so forth. Hajj should be implemented when it is still young, healthy and agile so easy to run into the Hajj pilgrimage and Mabrur.
2. Have enough money for the cost of the pilgrimage (ONH) commute and has provision for the pilgrims. Do not get stranded in Saudi Arabia because they do not have the money anymore. If you have dependents must still be living during the pilgrimage.
3. Security enough for travel and perform the Hajj and his family and possessions left behind during the pilgrimage. For women to be accompanied by a husband or a mahram males who can be trusted.
D. Pillars of Hajj
Pillars of Hajj are the things that must be done in a pilgrimage that if there were not implemented, then declared invalid alias failed Hajj, should repeat at the next opportunity.
2. Standing
3. Thawaf
4. sa'i
5. Tahallul
The current ban ikhram
Prohibition during Ihram generally be divided into 5 categories:
Nature around
1. Muslim men who are on the pilgrimage is absolutely forbidden to wear sewn garments, woven, merge, gloved and so on. For example: trousers, dresses, shirts, socks, shoes, shoes that can be sewn shut bodies behind the toe and heel of the foot, sewn edges towel or sarong and such related thereto.
But these Muslim men who are on pilgrimage allowed / required to wear the following clothing worn during the pilgrimage without dam:
Wearing sarong sewn quilts sewn edge or the edge by not slip into the body (just made a light blanket or mat facings only is allowed) (preferably sarong or blanket was divorced and separated from the stitching or composite).
Wearing seat belts, rings, watches, backpacks, bracelets and rings Haji introduction Introduction Patients and Health Metal Bracelet (if required for the purpose of meditation and medicine only).
Wearing shoes that can reveal the toes are freed and has straps on the hamstrings, which can reveal the back heel (eg wearing slippers, Japan, Hawaii slippers and similar).
Feet with cloth cover Ihram.
Pinning pin on cloth ihram cloth underneath it easier just to avoid being hit people off if (the truth can only be placed at hip level only on a reasonable number of pins).
Bercawat (pants in) with ihram cloth is not sewn or merging.
Wear diapers because they want to throw himself innocent and does not apply if the dam without burdening others and disregarded the rules of ihram.
Note: If a Muslim man who made the pilgrimage instead of the above inadvertently or forgotten, then he is not considered a sin and not subject Dam but he must undress as soon as possible. But if it makes the point that sin and evil will be charged Dam (Takhyir and Taqdir). Innocent of the deeds of the law violated the dress in Ihram if caused by the desperate needs as well as the safety and health such as:
Wear gloves and knee to relieve knee pain that does not cling and stick but bears Dam. However if it is latched in the knee sleeve is attached and therefore not subject to Dam because it was not the kind of knee sheath sewn.
Wear shoes on the feet healthy by balancing the body and travel is allowed but will be charged Dam.
2. Men who are on pilgrimage, Muslims are forbidden to cover the head by placing any cloth or lid over the hair and scalp. Such as: skull cap, caps, turbans, scarves, even though Ihram cloth. If done well without any essential then he sinned and charged Dam (Takhyir and Taqdir). But should provide the following requirements in Ihram without incurring Dam:
Using an umbrella
Shelter under the principal
Sheltering under a tent
Covering the face, this ban only applies to Muslim women who are on pilgrimage, and in prayers. If it was done on purpose then blame and should bear Dam (Takhyir and Taqdir). If accidentally then get off at sea level without incurring Dam and innocent. Covering the face can only be done by a woman if she:
Want to close defamation and want to control the circumstances of orgasm for a man who respected to avoid falls due to the outrageous slander her beauty.
Want to close the cavities of the mouth, ears, skin, eyes and nose in case diserangi with dust due to noise and dust that outrageous merbahaya conceded outside elements can bring kemudaratan suspected in the face if it were not closed as insects and chemicals that merbahaya.
Women and men who are on the pilgrimage was forbidden to wear gloves without special needs who are desperate like illness at hand and others that are considered essential requirements.
But the men and women who put on Ihram is allowed to put his hand in a plastic bag or cloth bag. Can also protect your hands behind scarves, scarves and fabric Ihram.
1.Bagi or Umrah pilgrims every Muslim (male and female) and wearing Ihram use, they are prohibited for them to wear perfumes either in the body, hair, beard and the like as well as food, drink or inhale into nose. However:
• Someone who is in Ihram is allowed to use toothpaste, soap, shampoo, facial cleanser and oil, massage oil, although it smells good. This is because the intention of using them is to maintain the cleanliness and health. Not to berwangi spices. But it should be noted that use of the material must not deliberately exaggerated because if it seeks deliberately to boost the fragrant scent in the body, then the act was considered a sin and the need to enhance Dam (Takhyir and Taqdir). Similarly, the use of flavored drinks and food and smelling odor.
• If a person is in a state of Ihram, thus inadvertently he was spraying perfume (attar oil and perfume) on him or other people who have been spraying perfume on her body intentionally or unintentionally. Then that person should remove the effects of fragrance on her immediately. If you do not remove immediately while already know, the act was considered a sin and should enhance Dam (Takhyir and Taqdir).
• A person who is kissing / kiss Hajar Aswad, be careful when kissing her so she does not hurt because perfused by the public and it is also necessary to be careful that the fragrance of stone Hajar Aswad was not attached to the mouth and face. This is because Hajar Aswad often put perfume on him. When someone is sticking to her fragrance Hajar Aswad inadvertently then he should immediately remove it. If not, then the act was considered a sin and the need to enhance Dam (Takhyir and Taqdir).
• If a person is wearing purple Caponk on the state of Ihram Ihram before him, and perfumes that still exist in ihram clothes even after his Ihram then there are two opinions that can be followed:
According to Al-Hone, then the act is not sinful but bears Dam.
Sharpening Muqabil opinion, then the act is innocent and does not apply Dam, because usually worn clothing and then removed. And this is a habit.
• Perfumes are worn on the body (before Ihram), and then it melts as a result of the action of perspiration. Then stick on Ihram cloth, then therefore, it can be worn Ihram cloth back even been removed and still smelled sweet and fragrant. The act was innocent and not subject Dam.
• Damascus or Kelambu Temple also dauby perfume, so be careful when approaching so it does not hurt because perfused by the public and it is also necessary to be careful that the fragrance of Damascus was not attached to the mouth and face and body. It is often placed incense to Damascus. When someone is sticking to her fragrance Damascus inadvertently then he should immediately remove it. If not, then the act was considered a sin and the need to enhance Dam (Takhyir and Taqdir).
• Wear sunblock UV is justified because it is intended for medical and health.
Every Muslim (male and female) who perform the Hajj and Umrah in the House and in the state of Ihram is strictly prohibited detach, disconnect the dam mengetip intentionally hair and nails. If he is still doing so, the prohibition act was considered a sin and the need to enhance Dam (Takhyir and Taqdir). If he did not knowingly and seek forgiveness from Allah directly, then the act is not sinful but bears Dam (Takhyir and Taqdir).
If he or shampooing or related thereto (such as ablution) then her hair fall out while she does not want these things will happen (hair loss) or maybe hair of genes rapid fall, then he does not sin, but bears Dam.
However, if the nails or hair, body hair was falling or uprooted by himself while he did not want it to fall then the act was innocent and not subject Dam.
Muslim women who wear hijab all the time bathing and Ihram and he found there was hair in a bathing (when open) then he is innocent and does not apply Dam because of things that happened not on its own.
If he (the assembly which was in Ihram) is a person in the situation easier for hair fall due to disease or gene genealogies, then that person is required to shorten his hair before he intend Ihram.
If he has detected disease by a physician or so he needs to shave during the pilgrimage and asked and wished for a haircut or shave the hair at the same time and should not be missed after he has completed, then the need to do such things as directed by a health care and her safety. Therefore, he and principal of the execution of innocent pilgrims on pilgrimage but it is necessary for him to pay Dam (Takhyir and Taqdir).
If the assembly which was in Ihram it finds an exact dead skin crust leather and so on fur / hair and he breaks it, then he is innocent and does not apply Dam because the fur is in accordance with the skin.
Pilgrims in Ihram is also possible to revoke his nails if he finds her nails it causes harm to him like cloven hooves or gripping and it does not apply Dam. Must be for him to revoke the skin of the lips, hands, feet peeling when he pronounced. And he was not charged Dam. If your child cut finger nails are still there, then he does not sin and not subject Dam because according to her finger nails.
Note: Pilgrims who are on pilgrimage, also was asked to stay away from acts (such as shampooing, scratching his head, brushed, etc.) that can cause hair, hair or nails to fall off when he was not yet Ihram, this is for the benefit and convenience of their kind .
Nature around
1. It is prohibited for any Haj and Umrah when in ihram men and women to lift, cut, tear and cut tree branches and trees planted to live and grow in the Holy Land. This prohibition is also not possible by any person present at the Sanctuary (al-Haramain: Makkah, Madinah, Masyair Haram: Arafat, Muzdalifah and Mina, Temple Mount: Jerusalem). This is because, the tree that thrives in the Holy Land is "The trees are blessed".
2. It is prohibited for any Haj and Umrah when in ihram men and women to hunt, shoot, kill, killing, arrest, imprison, and fouled destroy every land animal that may or forbidden to be eaten. This prohibition includes any kind of land animals, birds and insects other than marine animals.
If someone stepped on or killed animals / insects as small as a tiny black ants, grasshoppers, and so on by mistake then he is not considered a sin, but it is necessary to pay Dam by the insects that were deleted.
A person is allowed to kill animals and insects that can cause harm he might suffer and threatened kemaslihatannya and another if it continues to let the congregation when in Ihram such as mosquitoes, snakes, scorpions and spiders. And he was not charged Dam. But should he need only to repel insects or animals in advance if there is the ability for him because it is better.
1. Perform the narration to intercourse
Each congregation (men and women) who in the Hajj or Umrah Ihram is forbidden to do the narration (Start / Inception) to intercourse either in the form of words, deeds, gestures or other services.
However, it is not subject Dam in Ihram for those who are out of water due to Mani saw a young woman and sex fantasy.
Husband and wife or mahram @ stranger allowed to hold hands (not hard member) when in Ihram with the condition that they should be in a situation where the so-called "masyaqqah" namely: Needs with No Sense of lust (like sex).
Husband and wife or mahram is allowed to cuddle with the aim of desperate need (not want to have sex) and safety purposes, such as pain etc when in Ihram with the condition that they should be in a situation where the so-called "masyaqqah" namely: Needs with No Sense of lust (like sex) .
2. Perform intercourse
Act of intercourse (sex) is a strictly forbidden and can afford to spoil someone Hajj pilgrims especially when it appears in the state of Ihram before Tahallul Awwal. This prohibition state is in a position where:
Accidentally together (willingly) intercourse (sex) without being forced
Know the law to have sex when the pilgrimage is Haram
Already Mumaiyiz (know how to differentiate good and bad deeds that begins around age 7 or 9 years and over)
When husband and wife have been found guilty of the above practices, then it is obligatory for them to continue with the remaining rituals of hajj has not been implemented as perfect as possible for it to finish, and then immediately mengqadakkan (replace back) Haji (the second time) that although it is just Haji Circumcision (generally Hajj is performed for the second time and so on, is that in the category of Haji Circumcision only) unless there is sickness among them. Only the husband imposed Dam (tongue and Taadil). Both (husband and wife) must seek forgiveness from Allah should.
However, if they have relations berlakunaya (contiguous thereto) after intercourse damaging Hajj for the first time, the man charged Dam (Takhyir and Taqdir) anyway. If applicable intercourse after Tahallul Awwal but before Tahallul Thani, Hajj is not invalidated, but the husband bears Dam (Takhyir and Taqdir) anyway.
Husband and wife are allowed to have sex after (both types Tahallul Awwal and Tahallul Thani) has been settled by sempurna.Namun more afdhal (better and encouraged) to postpone the action until the completion of all peaceful and Haji activities undertaken.
3. Prohibition married, marry or receive representatives of marriage
All acts marry, marry or receive representatives of marriage is prohibited when the congregation was in a state of Ihram. In fact, the pre-wedding and post-wedding like a spy, engagement and marriage is not valid. The ceremony also think Haram. However, the people involved are not subject Dam.
Various dam
a. Dam Hajj rituals' and pilgrims qiran, the dam which shall be paid by the person performing the umrah before Hajj (in the months of Hajj) or the reading talbiyah for Hajj and Umrah. It is based on God's word, which means, "Whoever wants to perform umrah before Hajj (in the months of Hajj), (let his animals hadyu) are easily obtained. But if he does not find (such hadyu or can not afford), he should fast three days during the Hajj and seven days (again) when you return. "(Al-Baqarah: 106).

b. Dam ransom, which is mandatory for pilgrims who poked his hair due to illness or because of a painful hit. This refers to the word of God:
If anyone among you sick or disturbance in his head (he has to shave), then let him berfidyah, ie fast or bershadaqah or slaughter cattle as dam. (Al-Baqarah: 196).
c. Jaza Dam ', the dam which shall be paid by the person being pronounced when the murder hunt on land. As for the game, then there is no penalty. (About the dam has been discussed in several previous page).
d. Dam Ihshar, namely dams that must be paid by pilgrims were restrained, and is unable to complete the rituals of Hajj, because of illness, because it was blocked by the enemy or because of other constraints. And he does not specify requirements when starting ihramnya. It is grounded in the word of God:
If you are prevented (by the enemy or being sick), and slaughter animals hadyu easily available. (Al-Baqarah).
e. Dam Jima 'and which are obligated to pilgrims who deliberately with his wife in the middle of the implementation of the pilgrimage (this has been explained).
       Alhamdulillahirobbil to go through with the blessing of almighty god I can finish this book is useless for the task of Ustadz Abdul menjalalankan Ghori Spd.i (miftakhul Huda Islamic boarding platforms).
Hopefully this book can be useful for readers both in this world and in the hereafter,

The author is a human being that is not infallible and therefore what if there is a mistake I apologize of magnitude.

1 komentar :

  1. Assalamu'alaikum
    Kalau boleh minta translate englishnya yang mulai Kitab al-Buyu' sampai Jinayat. Jazakumullah
